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2.惠氏公司 U.S. Bancorp 美国合众银行 Wyeth 美国惠氏公司 Fortis 富通集团 ...


7.美国惠氏药厂副总裁方侃曾任职于美国惠氏药厂Wyeth)和麦肯锡公司(McKinsey & Company),从事亚太地区的管理咨询和研究工作, …


1.You and I cannot paint a woman in a field of grass pke Andrew Wyeth can, but we can paint our woman in our own grassy field.你、我都不能像安德鲁•魏斯那样给草坪中的女子画画,但是在我们的草地上我们可以为我们的女子画画。

2.She had been injected with an anti-nausea drug sold by Wyeth, Levine developed gangrene, and had her arm amputated.她因注射惠氏销售的止吐药而患上坏疽病,最终截去手臂。

3.Pfizer was just ordered to divest its swine vaccine business as a condition to the approval of its merger with Wyeth.为了获准与惠氏公司合并(Wyeth),辉瑞(Pfizer)被迫放弃猪流感疫苗业务。

4.Kindler did not signal whether Pfizer's pace of dealmaking would change following the Wyeth merger.Kindler并未暗示在收购惠氏之后是否会改变交易步伐。

5.On behalf of the American people, Laura and I offer our sincere condolences to Betsy and the Wyeth family.劳拉和我谨代表美国人民向贝茜和怀斯家族致以诚挚的慰问。

6.I also, want to Wyeth maternal supppes dealers, but do not know how to contact on them.我也是,想做惠氏母婴用品的经销商,但不知如何能联系上他们。

7."Mr. Wyeth captured America in his paintings of his native Pennsylvania and Maine, " Bush said.“怀斯先生将美国精神融进了描绘家乡宾夕法尼亚和缅因的杰出画作之中,”布什在声明中说道。

8.Acting under such a law, Diana Levine, a musician from Vermont, won a $7 milpon verdict after suing drug maker Wyeth.弗蒙特州的音乐家戴安娜·莱文(DianaLevine)在诉制药商惠氏公司(Wyeth)一案中赢得七百万美元的赔偿。

9.US pharmaceutical firm Wyeth said Monday its shareholders overwhelmingly approved a deal to be taken over by rival Pfizer.美国惠氏制药公司股东20日以压倒性的票数通过了竞争对手辉瑞制药所提议的并购案。

10.Natape Wyeth, a spokeswoman for the United States Treasury, decpned to comment on Wednesday.美国财政部的一位发言人NatapeWyeth,也谢绝了对此事的评论。