


美式发音: [ˈnaɪˌtreɪt] 英式发音: [ˈnaɪtreɪt]







1.硝酸盐;硝态氮肥a compound containing nitrogen and oxygen . There are several different nitrates and they are used especially to make soil better for growing crops.

We need to cut nitrate levels in water.我们需要降低水中的硝酸盐含量。



n.1.a chemical substance containing nitrogen, used for improving the quapty of soil

1.硝酸盐 milpdarcy 毫达西 nitrate 硝酸根 nitrogenous fertipzer 氮肥 ...

3.硝化 硝 xiāo 硝化[ nitrate;nitrafy] 硝石[ nitre;saltpetre;potassium nitrate] ...

4.硝酸钾 Nickel 镍 Nitrate 硝酸钾 Nitrite 亚硝酸盐 ...

5.硝酸盐氮 Chlorine,total 总氯 Nitrate 硝酸盐氮 Phosphorus,Total 总磷 ...

6.硝酸酯 nitrate 硝酸盐 nitrate 硝酸酯 nitration 硝化作用渗氮法 ...

7.硝酸盬如果正服用硝酸盬(nitrate)药物, 则绝不可服用磷酸二脂五型抑制药, 因为两种药物都会令血管扩张同时服用可能导致血压急 …


1.However, they suspect it could be a result of the nitrate turning into nitric oxide in the body, reducing the oxygen cost of exercise.但是,他们猜测可能是由于硝酸盐在体内转化成一氧化氮,减少了耗氧量。

2.And from those pills we were able to conclude that it was an ammonium nitrate based explosive.根据这些颗粒,我们就能推断出凶手用硝酸胺制作的炸弹。

3.The nitrate content of other 10 vegetables varieties had not exceeded the allowed standards, whose pollution rank was one level.其余10个蔬菜品种硝酸盐含量均未超标,污染等级为一级。

4.So far, he said, they have learned that ammonium nitrate was an ingredient in the explosives and that they weren't remotely triggered.他说,到目前为止,调查团队已经获知爆炸物中含有硝酸铵,并且不是遥控引爆的。

5.A fine method is wrapping around the surface of ammonium nitrate by polymer, and forming a hydrophobe layer on the surface.采用聚合物粘结硝酸铵,在AN颗粒的表面上形成疏水层,将是解决AN吸湿性的一种优良的方法。

6.The method of the invention can be effectively used for bioremediation of the nitrate pollution in the groundwater.本发明方法可以有效地用于地下水硝酸盐污染的生物修复。

7.In severe or refractory cases , cauterization of the individual lesions with nitrate has been used .在严重或顽固性病例中,个别的可用硝酸盐烧灼。

8.Nitrite content changed as fermented time goes on, and nitrate content had not quite different.硝酸盐含量随发酵时间不同变化不大,亚硝酸盐含量随发酵时间而变化。

9.The invention discloses the electric pole used for removing the nitrate in water and preparing method.本发明公开了一种去除水中硝酸盐的电极及制备方法。

10.The contents of nitrate, nitrite and VC varied between the four vegetables with different varieties and different parts of the plant.同种蔬菜不同品种、同一品种不同部位的硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、VC含量均存在很大差异。