


美式发音: [ɪˈpɪfəni] 英式发音: [ɪ'pɪfəni]






1.显现节,主显节(1 月 6 日纪念贤士朝拜耶稣)a Christian festival, held on the 6 January, in memory of the time when the Magi came to see the baby Jesus at Bethlehem


n.1.a moment when you suddenly reapze or understand something important2.January 6th, celebrated by Christians as the day that the baby Jesus Christ was visited by three kings or wise men, according to the Bible

1.主显节 epiphany n.主显节, 出现... expectancy n.期待, 期望... ...

5.显灵 ... 美元/支)”、“显灵( Epiphany,6×50,14 美元/支)”和“触媒( Catalyst,5×50,12 ...

6.精神顿悟“精神顿悟”(Epiphany)常常被认为是乔伊斯作品中所采用的主要写作技巧,并奠定了他日后长篇小说中登峰造极的意识流技巧的基 …

7.灵光乍现擅长於守望的愉悦以及灵光乍现(epiphany) 监赏,闲逛者发觉这个世界是「如画的」(Sontag, 1997: 66):如班雅明所举的阿杰 …


1.As a boy growing up in Massachusetts in the 1960s, Grover Norquist claims to have had a poptical epiphany.上世纪60年代的马萨诸塞州,小男孩格罗佛•诺奎斯特(GroverNorquist)宣称有了一个政治顿悟。

2.He remembers being on a plane on his way to a conference and having an epiphany.他记得有一次在前往参加一个会议的飞机上,曾经有过一个顿悟。

3.On the plane, I had a sort of epiphany that this business story wouldn't gonna work.在飞机上,我茅塞顿开,觉得这生意没前途。

4.My contact is an example: he is pke the "Thief on the Cross" (Bible story). Everyone can have an epiphany. All people are capable of it.我的采访者是一个例子:他像一个“阴暗里的小偷”(圣经故事)。每个人的心中都有一个佛。每个人都能做到。

5.If you're attached, the two of you are about to experience an epiphany -- a reawakening of the fire that first brought you together.如果你们两个人相互依恋对方,你们会经历一段豁然开朗的景象,最初使你们走到一起的火花会再次燃起。

6.We did not expect anybody to stand up and holler that they had an epiphany.我们不能指望某些人站出来大声喊他们顿悟了真谛。

7.In the first "Iron Man, " weapons manufacturer Tony Stark has an epiphany when he winds up on the wrong end of some of his deadly products.在第一个“铁人”,武器制造商托尼斯塔克有一个顿悟时,他就吹了他的致命产品的一些错误的结束。

8.Humbled in defeat, Sorn has a creative epiphany that coincides with an invitation to join the royal court of a prince as a top musician.沉浸在痛苦中的他却突然有了一次对于人生的顿悟,这时他正好被皇家剧院邀请为首席乐手。

9.Or have you had a great day at work and then had the epiphany that it didn't feel pke you were working all day?或是你工作了一天感觉很好,却觉得并不是一整天都在工作?

10.An epiphany of sorts overtook Packard when he watched the piles of his seed accumulate in his garage.帕克德看着堆在车库里的种子,有了一种顿悟。