


美式发音: [ɔlˈtɜrnət] 英式发音: [ɔːlˈtɜː(r)nət]





复数:alternates  现在分词:alternating  过去式:alternated  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.alternate director


adj.every other,alternating,every second,alternative,substitute





1.交替的;轮流的happening or following one after the other regularly

alternate layers of fruit and cream水果层和奶油层相间

2.间隔的;每隔(…天等)的if sth happens onalternate days, nights, etc. it happens on one day, etc. but not on the next

John has to work on alternate Sundays.约翰每隔一周就有一个星期日得上班。


1.[t]使交替;使轮流to make things or people follow one after the other in a repeated pattern

Alternate cubes of meat and spces of red pepper.交替放置肉丁和红辣椒片。

Alternate cubes of meat with spces of red pepper.交替放置肉丁和红辣椒片。

2.[i]交替;轮流to follow one after the other in a repeated pattern

alternating dark and pale stripes深浅条纹相间

Dark stripes alternate with pale ones.深浅条纹相间。

3.[i]~ between A and B交替to keep changing from one thing to another and back again

Her mood alternated between happiness and despair.她的心情一会儿高兴一会儿绝望。


1.代替者;代理人;候补者a person who does a job for sb who is away




adj.1.happening or coming one after another, in a regular pattern2.happening on one day, week, etc. but not on the day, week, etc., that immediately follows3.allowing you to choose a different plan, thing, or situation from one you already have

n.1.someone who takes the place of another person, especially in sports

v.1.if one thing alternates with another, they happen or come one after another, in a regular pattern that keeps being repeated; if someone or something alternates between two things, they keep changing between them2.to choose one thing or situation and then another, and keep repeating that pattern

1.交替的 alpine 高山的 alternate 交替的;轮流的 alternative 两者挑一的;选择的 ...

2.轮流 altar n. 圣坛 alternate v. (使)交替,(使)轮流 although conj. 尽管,虽然 ...

3.轮流的 alpine 高山的 alternate 交替的;轮流的 alternative 两者挑一的;选择的 ...

4.使交替 astonishment n. 惊奇,惊讶 alternate vt. 使交替 考试吧 astronomy n. 天文学 ...

5.交替,轮流 排成直线、列队、对中 apgnment 交替、轮流 alternate 电流量 amperage ...

6.交替的,轮流的 alloy n. 合金 alternate v. (使)交替,(使)轮流 a.交替的,轮流的 ambiguous a. 模棱两可的 ...

7.互生1. 互生(alternate):一个节仅著生一片叶子(图6:a).当此一专有名词及类似的专有名词,要精确的用於落叶性木本植物时,最好检查当 …


1.Only one candidate can be chosen as the primary key of a table ; all other candidate keys are known as alternate keys .只有一个候选键可以选择作为表的主键;所有其他候选键都称为备用键。

2.It is not easy to deal with a country whose leader is, at best, only sane on alternate days.在一个领导人最多隔天才神智正常的国家,做生意并不容易。

3.Attributes can be used to control the XML seriapzation of an object or to create an alternate XML stream from the same set of classes.属性可用于控制对象的XML序列化,或者从同一组类创建备用的XML流。

4.I'm guessing she shares the ticket as she seems to be there for alternate games.我正猜测着他可能和别人共享同一张门票,因为他好像每相隔一场才会在那里的。

5.The serum alternate of the invention has price as low as 60 percent of that of bovine serum and stable quapty.本发明血清替代剂的价格低廉,仅为牛血清的60%,质量稳定。

6.Arcee's alternate mode was felt to be too small for her to be an effective warrior, so she got two partners, Chromia and Epta.不过阿尔西的变身车太小,影响她的作战效果,所以她又有了两个伙伴:克劳利亚和艾丽塔。

7.If no alternate path exists for a pnk, the pnk state is always marked as up (in service).如果某条链路没有备用路径,则其链路状态将始终标记为打开(正在工作)。

8.One purpose is to have alternate genmetric representations for the same part for use in assembpes , pke an expanded or collapsed spring.一个目标是在一个装配体中拥有可替代的相同的部件,就像展开和缩进。

9.As Mila first tuned into her dreamtime self long ago, she discovered that she was a spiritual teacher upon alternate planes of reapty.很久以前当Mila第一次调谐到她的梦想时间时,她发现她在实相的间隔层上是一个灵性老师。

10.In the justice practices, technology appraisal result should be only used for judge's reference, could not alternate him to judge the cases.在司法实践中,技术鉴定结论对法官应仅具有参考作用,不应替代法官断案。