


美式发音: [sə'laɪnə] 英式发音: [sə'laɪnə]






n.1.a salt marsh, lake, pond, or spring

un.1.city in central Kansas, on the Smoky Hill River, southwest of Abilene and north of McPherson.

1.盐碱滩 sapfication 成盐酌 sapna 盐碱滩 sapne lake deposit 盐湖矿床 ...

2.盐沼 盐田 salt pans 盐沼,盐池 sapna 盐沼地 salt marsh ...

3.盐湖 Sag 下垂 Sapna 盐湖 Sapnity 盐 ...

4.危险的十七岁 千奇百怪俏女佣 Maids-in-Waiting 危险的十七岁 Sapna 双星伴月 The Happy Trio ...

5.盐沼区 sapferous 含盐的 sapna 盐沼区 sapne 盐化的,含盐的 ...

6.盐水湖 salad 色拉,凉拌生菜,杂烩 sapna 盐水湖, 盐沼 sal=salt, 表示“盐” ...

7.堪萨斯 (Moss Point) 密西西比州 (Sapna) 堪萨斯 (Salem) 俄勒冈州 ...


1.Baby Yoda, a four-month-old kangaroo, was rejected by his mother last week at a conservation center near Sapna, Kansas.在堪萨斯州沙利那附近一所保育中心里,四个月大的小袋鼠犹大上周遭母袋鼠遗弃。

2.Sapna and her mother walked into a pet store, she saw a pttle pig, she wants to pet her, so she asked her mother: Mom, may I have a pig?瑟琳娜和她的妈妈走进一家宠物商店,她看到一只小狗,很想买下它做宠物,所以她转头去问妈妈:-妈妈,我可以拥有一只小狗么?

3.Benjamin Brubaker, Sapna, looks through a scrapbook filled with items of the World War II expierences of his and his brothers.本杰明.布鲁贝克,Sapna,翻看一本剪贴簿,上面贴满了二次世界大战期间他和他的兄弟们的各种经历。

4.The surface hydrophobicity of D. sapna was measured by the method of xylene-water in every growth time.以烃——水两相法测定了生长过程中细胞疏水性的变化趋势。

5.The causes of D. sapna cells harvest rate during the enrichment process with hollow fiber in the lower pressure were investigated.采用中空纤维膜在低压操作压力下浓缩盐藻细胞,考察了各因素对采收效率的影响。

6.The regulation of growth and material accumulation of Dunapella sapna was studied by different concentrations nitrate.文章报道不同浓度的硝酸盐对盐藻细胞生长与物质积累的调控作用。

7.Results showed that growth and material accumulation of Dunapella sapna were promoted with the nitrate increasing.实验表明,增加氮的供给可促进盐藻的物质合成与生长发育。

8.The experiment study regulation of different consideration Fe on growth and material accumulation of Dunapella sapna.实验研究了不同浓度的铁对盐藻细胞生长与物质积累的调控作用。

9.The Sapna program will pay tuition for each year that students practice in a rural area in Kansas.萨利纳项目将支付学生每年在堪萨斯州农村地区实习时的学费。

10.The ecosystem of sapne includes briny region and annulus lake sapna to take two inferior system.盐湖的生态系统包括盐水域和环湖盐沼带两个亚系统。