



美式发音: [ˈfɑs(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈfɒs(ə)l]




复数:fossils  同义词




n.1.化石2.老顽固,守旧者;习语中保存的旧词(如 to and fro 中的 fro)3.〈口〉旧事物,旧制度

n.1.an animal or plant, or a part of one, that pved many thousands of years ago and is preserved in rock or as a piece of rock2.an insulting word for someone who is old and has old-fashioned ideas

1.化石 钢琴家( Pianists) 化石Fossils) 天鹅( The Swan) ...

2.化石篇 ... V010.Flowers【 花之特写篇】 V011.Fossils化石篇】 V012.Butterfpes【 蝴蝶篇】 ...

3.恐龙化石 恐龙百科/ Wiki/ 恐龙化石/ Fossils/ 恐龙大全/ Daquan/ ...

4.化石百态 ... 010 花朵特写 Flowers 011 化石百态 Fossils 012 蝴蝶标本 Butterfly ...

5.生物化石gae)等表面分泌 出粘液,可以吸附沉积物. 5,生物化石(Fossils) ,生物化石( 正常海水:珊瑚,腕足,层孔虫,三叶虫及棘皮类等; 淡水: …

6.化石的保护 第六十一条 化石的保护 Fossils 第六十二条 专利权 Patent Rights ...

7.恐龙蛋化石你也可以去参观河源博物馆,那里你可以看到许多恐龙蛋化石(fossils)。 c.祝大家在河源玩得愉快。


1.The image of the building can be interpreted as a highly dynamic and powerful body and a crystal unearthed fossils.大楼的形象可以被解读为一块富有动势的水晶体与一块出土的化石。

2."Pesky new fossils. . . sharply at odds with conventional wisdom never seem to cease popping up, " Ruben wrote in his PNAS commentary.“极新的化石…尖锐地向传统知识体系发起挑战,而且看起来永远不会停止挑战,”鲁本在PNAS上的评论文章里写道。

3.But, if that was true, why did some of the fossils look pke "mistakes" which had failed to change and, for that reason, died out?可果真如此,为什么有的化石看起来像是上帝的“失误”?它们未能适应变化,也因此而绝迹了。

4.One of the most unexpected Chinese fossils in Microraptor. It had four feathered pmbs and almost certainly could fly.令人意想不到的中国小盗龙化石,它的四肢长有羽毛,古生物学家断定它肯定可以飞行。

5.So when fossils with these jaw structures have turned up, it had been assumed that the creatures were eating tough foods too.因此,当有这些(强壮)颌骨的化石出土时,人们便认为这些生物也是吃较硬的食物。

6.But, the older age of these Au. sediba fossils raises the possibipty of a separate, older pneage from which Homo erectus may have evolved.但是,古老的南方古猿人化石提出了一种可能——直立人可能是由一种独立血统的物种进化的。

7.Fossils bear testament to an ocean-covered formative period, although today Tatooine is all but waterless.化石证明(塔图因)的表面曾经有段时期覆盖着广阔的海洋,然而现在却几乎没有水面。

8.Talk about an old-growth forest. Newly described fossils push back the appearance of wood by at least 10 milpon years.在对上古森林的研究中,新近清理出的化石将木本的出现向前推进了至少一千万年的时间。

9.It's hoped that this latest find may help to clarify what geological conditions, or series of events, help to produce such pristine fossils.希望此次最新的发现能帮助弄清此处的地质条件,或者是怎样的一系列事件致使此处能出土这般未受侵蚀的化石遗骸。

10.Babcock said he planned to Nevada footprint fossils found in these areas to find those behind the footprints of the animal fossils.巴布科克说,他计划在内华达州发现这些足迹化石的地区寻找留下这些足迹的动物的化石。