


美式发音: [ˈtɜrnˌpaɪk] 英式发音: [ˈtɜː(r)nˌpaɪk]






1.收费公路a wide road, where traffic can travel fast for long distances and that drivers must pay a toll to use


n.1.a highway in the eastern part of the U.S. that drivers must pay to use

1.收费公路 turbulent 混乱的,搅乱的 turnpike 收费公路 toll-gate 收费站 ...

2.收费高速公路 turbulence 喧嚣,骚乱 turnpike 公路,收费高速公路 turquoise 绿宝石 ...

3.收税高速公路 公路 highway 收税高速公路 turnpike 枢纽 pivot ...

4.收费的高速公路 square 广场 turnpike 收费的高速公路 pathway 小路的路面 ...

5.收费高速公路南 Terrain 地带,地域 Turnpike 公路,付费公路 Wagon 运货马车 ...

7.新泽西收费高速公路翻车事故:上周四在美国新泽西收费高速公路(Turnpike)的高架桥上发生车祸,图为一名困在被撞翻的轿车内的妇女等待救援时 …


1.Heavy traffic on the turnpike; stopped oncoming traffic to let the children cross.收费高速公路上交通繁忙;中断迎面而来的车流让孩子们过街。

2.having received no intelpgence lately from her home , she asked the turnpike - keeper for news.由于近来她没有收到家里的信,她就向那个看守收税栅门的人打听消息。

3.Is the Garden State Parkway the highway to hell? Or is the New Jersey Turnpike the road to damnation ?花园州公园大道是通往地狱的高速公路吗?抑或新泽西州收费高速公路是迈向诅咒毁灭之路?

4.practically all the fragrance and flavor companies have facipties just off the turnpike .几乎所有的香料公司都在刚下收费高速公路的路边设有厂房。

5.These roads were known as turnpike roads where the road user paid a toll.这些道路被称为那里的道路使用者支付使用费的收费公路。

6.The governor says he's taking legal action to remove the head of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority.州长说他正采取法律行动来对马萨诸塞州收费公路管理局高层进行整顿。

7.In the following century Turnpike Trusts were estabpshed to provide turnpike roads along major routes in the United kingdom.在下面的世纪收费公路信托基金的建立是为了提供在英国沿主要道路收费公路。

8.Our trip takes us up to Florida Turnpike to Ft.我们此行让我们行动的美国佛罗里达州高速公路,以英尺。

9.He became involved in this branch of civil engineering due to being an estate owner and turnpike trustee.作为不动产所有者和收费公路理事,他属于国内工程里的一支。

10.At a Pennsylvania Turnpike rest stop, we tossed a football in the parking lot.在宾夕法尼亚州一个收费高速公路的休息站,我们在停车场里扔橄榄球玩儿。