


美式发音: 英式发音: 

n.1.an extended video news release for issue to television stations from which they can put together their own version


1.The huge orc heads over to kill Broll when Valeera runs at him screaming.巨型兽人冲过去杀布罗尔,而瓦蕾拉正尖叫着跑向他。

2.Valeera runs up, hugs Spike, and thanks him for saving Broll.瓦蕾拉跑上来抱住狼牙,感谢他救了布罗尔。

3.Basically, Broll sees Valeera as an untrustworthy, betraying, magic junkie blood elf, and Valeera sees Broll as a weak, subservient wuss.基本上,布罗尔认为瓦蕾拉是不可信任,背信弃义,魔法垃圾的血精灵,而瓦蕾拉认为布罗尔是个弱小无能的混蛋。

4.If Valeera and Broll don't hook up by the end of the comic, I'll eat my hat.要是布罗尔和瓦蕾拉在幽默诙谐的画面最后不勾搭上,我就把我帽子吃了。

5.At night, Spike, Broll and Valeera huddle around a fire in a dungeon cell.夜晚,地牢里狼牙,布罗尔和瓦蕾拉围坐在篝火边。

6.Broll lays into Valeera about the blood elves joining the Horde, and she becomes extremely angry.布罗尔开始和瓦蕾拉讨论血精灵加入部落的问题,而她变得异常的愤怒。

7.Broll says that they'll never become a team, since Spike won't fight and Broll and Valeera just want to fight each other.布罗尔说他们永远不可能成为一个队伍,因为狼牙根本不出战,而布罗尔和瓦蕾拉只知道互相残杀。