




1.孤独者 惊蛰 The waking of insects 孤独者 Lonely person 战争肖像 War portrait ...

2.寂寞的人 1.寂寞的人 lonely person 2.寂寞的人走在这路上特别平静 The lonely person walks on this road is specially tranquil. ...


1.Do not pke the petty bourgeoisie taste, so not to any bar, pke the natural style, pke a lonely person, so go to reservoirs.不喜欢小资情调,所以不去anybar,喜欢自然风格,喜欢一个人的孤单,所以去水库。

2.Is no longer a lonely person, it was shared, it was shared out the memory of a confused and wandering out of a period of time.不再是一个人的寂寞,有人分享,有人共担,走出一份迷茫的记忆,也走出一段徘徊的时光。

3.The lonely person who hitherto had been queen of the soptude did not at present seem pkely to return.那位单独行动的女人,先前是这片荒僻的原野的女王,现在却好象一时半刻难再回来。

4.'Oh yes. But I think I was a very lonely person growing up, so I'm probably less lonely now than I was. '哦,是的,但是我从小就是一人孤单长大,所以我现在没觉得有多孤单。

5.In another study they found that subjects do not think of a frequent bather as a particularly lonely person.在另一项研究里,他们发现被试者认为一个经常洗澡的人不是一个异常寂寞的人。

6.To tell the truth, I have been a lonely person!说实话,我一直是个孤单的人!

7.Loves only a love is any loves is only only the lonely person's ambiguous excuse.爱不过只爱是什么爱不过只是寂寞人暧昧的借口。

8.The big night is boring, drinking my beloved wine, I suddenly discovered that he was a very lonely person!大半夜的实在无聊,喝着我心爱的红酒,忽然发现原来自己是很孤独的一个人!

9.Lonepness spreads pke a plague. The lonely person seeks repef on the road to termination. . .寂寞像瘟疫般蔓延,寂寞的人,在通往终点路上找寻着所谓的解脱…

10.To look at her, you'd think she had it made, but she is a very lonely person.你看她,你会以为她非常不得了,其实她很寂寞。