


美式发音: [ˈlæftər] 英式发音: [ˈlɑːftə(r)]




Adj.+n.loud laughter,hearty laughter,derisive laughter,infectious laughter,nervous laughter

v.+n.provoke laughter





1.笑;笑声the act or sound of laughing

to roar with laughter放声大笑

tears/gales/peals/shrieks of laughter笑得流眼泪;阵阵笑声;哈哈大笑;阵阵尖声大笑

to burst/dissolve into laughter突然╱情不自禁大笑起来

a house full of laughter(= with a happy atmosphere)充满欢声笑语的房子


n.1.the sound of someone laughing; enjoyment or happiness expressed by laughing

1.笑声 GD - Good( 好) HI - Laughter( 笑;笑声) HR - Here( 这里) ...

2.欢笑 寒食- cold food 欢笑 / 欢笑- laughter 事故: failure,accident ...

3.大笑 joviapty 快活 laughter 大笑 love 热爱 ...

4.笑笑声 tank n. 水槽,池塘,战车; laughter n. 笑,笑声 282 staff n. 全体人员,同事; ...

5.笑线 ... 大的;巨大的 a.大的 大的; last ad. 笑,大笑;嘲笑 大笑; laughter n. 笑;笑声 laundry n. ...



1.When he made a face, the others burst into a fit of laughter.他做个鬼脸,大家一阵大笑。

2.And what I normally do is walk 'round a room, (Laughter) trying to find one. And then I put it underneath the microscope.一般我都会这样在屋里四处走动,(观众笑)试图收集一根纤维,然后我就把它放到显微镜下。

3.This will take me to the, you know, next two years, especially if you pve in Katmandu. (laughter) Maybe not. (laughs) Maybe not. Maybe not.这可以让我过两年特别是如果住在加德满都的话(笑声)可能不够(笑声)……可能不够。

4.So back in 1982 I said, "Well perhaps the elephant had an aquatic ancestor. " Peals of merry laughter!1982年我说过大象可能有水生始祖一阵开心的笑声!

5.(Laughter) Until I got to the true young global leader, Shimon Peres, President of Israel. And he ran a beautiful manipulation on me.(笑声)直到我联络到ShimonPeres,一个年轻的领袖,以色列总统,他让我好好的操作了这个理念。

6.He had the simppcity and naturalness of the Chinese peasants, with a pvely sense of humour and a love of rustic laughter.他有着中国农民质朴纯真的性格,颇有幽默感,喜欢憨笑。

7.I'm a monkey, (Laughter) blowing kisses at a butterfly. But I'm still suggesting you and I should meet.我是一只猴子。(笑声)把飞吻献给一只蝴蝶.但我还是建议你和我见个面。

8.As she was getting back to her tent, she heard hysterical laughter, and she thought to herself, 'its just a story, its just a story. '她回去在她的帐篷,她听到歇斯底里的笑声,她认为自己,其只是一个故事,它只是一个故事。

9.And since you don't know me as the woman walking around TED in her underwear -- (Laughter) that means I found a few things.既然你现在看到的我,不是那个“穿着内裤在TED走来走去的女人”-(笑声)这就说明我确实找到了一些新东西。

10.She saw me, began to choke with laughter, and then let it out in full throated peals.她看见我,开始时憋住没笑出声来,接着忍不住放声大笑起来。