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adv.+v.invest wisely





1.她聪明地点了点头。She nodded wisely.

2.他明智地决定实话实说。He wisely decided to tell the truth.


1.卫斯理ic GX1,而打消买Nikon V1的念头…因为卫斯理 (Wisely)很「聪明地」在他的部落格推荐翔茂这家数位相机专卖店,说是老板 …

2.聪明地 ... partition n. 分割, 划分, 瓜分, 分开, 隔离物 wisely adv. 聪明地, 精明地 punishment n. 惩罚, 处罚, 惩处 ...

3.明智地 wise 有智慧的,聪明的 wisely 明智地,聪明地 wish 希望;祝愿 ...

4.精明地 ... partition n. 分割, 划分, 瓜分, 分开, 隔离物 wisely adv. 聪明地, 精明地 punishment n. 惩罚, 处罚, 惩处 ...

5.明智的 凯纳( KAYNA) 林颢峰( Wisely) 柯琬馨( Ego) ...


1.Wisely, you made no attempt to have these problems discussed by the General Assembly, bepeving that they should be dealt with elsewhere.你非常明智,没有试图让大会讨论这些问题,而认为应在其它场合解决。

2." Professor Robinson wisely pointed out that, " Conscientiousness and Insight seem suspicious of one another, and yet they might be friends.罗宾逊教授很智慧地指出,“良心的驱使和洞察力似乎是在彼此猜忌。但其实则它们很可以成为朋友的。”

3.The three young Princesses blushed; and the young man did not know what to say. So he very wisely said nothing at all.三位年轻的公主都羞红了脸,老三不知说什么好。于是就很明智地什么也不说。

4.W. W. Webby thought deeply for a moment. "To walk in someone else's shoes, is to really understand them, " he said wisely.万万网沉思了一会儿。他充满智慧地说:“试着穿别人的鞋子,才能真正理解别人。”

5.After you have managed your money wisely and given generously, there comes a time for you to enjoy the fruits of your labors.当你把钱财合理分配并能预期执行之后,你就可以尽情享受你的劳动果实了。

6.A lone popce officer is seen for a moment then, perhaps wisely deciding for his own sake to stay out the fray.一名警察看了一会,可能是认为躲开人群才是明智的选择。

7.Scorponok wisely decided to hide his Matrix, and did it so well that, until very recently, no one ever found out what became of it.蝎子王聪明地决定把他的本源藏起来。他藏的是如此之好,直到最近才被人发现。

8.But China will not always be awash with cash. It needs to spend more wisely today while capital is still abundant.但是,中国不可能总是有大量资金。当前,趁着资金仍然充裕,中国需要更明智地花钱。

9.He wisely put most of it into a savings account, but he did spend some of it on computer games, a basketball and a brand new football.他明智地放入一个储蓄账户的大部分,但他却花电脑游戏,篮球和一个全新的足球了一些。

10.It had been wisely said that fire is a good servant but a bad master.有人说得好:火是个好的奴仆也是个坏主人。