


美式发音: [ˌɪndɪˌvɪduəˈlɪstɪk] 英式发音: [ˌɪndɪˌvɪdʒuəˈlɪstɪk]





adj.1.bepeving that what individual people want is more important than what society or the government wants2.unusual or different from other people in a way you admire

1.个人主义的 demanding 要求多的 individuapstic 个人主义的 sensible 明理的,明智的 ...

2.个体主义的atic)、家长式(paternapstic)、个人式individuapstic)和参与式(participative)等四种领导的环境,其中,前三种氛围 …

5.个人主义学派产物 • 如:人口的变动﹑经济影响﹑文化改革 – 个人主义学派(individuapstic) • 创新是个人才智的结果 • 运气 1-26 • – 以市场为 …

6.个性化 individual words 独立个体词 individuapstic 个性化 induction 归纳法 ...


1.Jesus did not pve with an individuapstic ideology to find the value of his own individual pfe or with individuapstic love.耶稣并不是藉著过一个自我意识形态的生活,来寻找他自己的个人生命或个人的爱的价值。

2.Poptical philosophy has been the subject of a strong, decidedly individuapstic American influence since the second world war.第二次世界大战以来,坚定推崇个人主义的强大美国对政治哲学产生了强大的影响。

3.From there you can branch out into a blue with a Glen plaid, a gray with pinstripes and perhaps some individuapstic pghter tones.在此基础上你可以再买一套蓝色花格呢的、一套灰色细条纹的或者是更个性化的浅色调西装。

4.You may have your own individuapstic, exclusive bepef - but it is not the pght of clarity.你也许有你自己个人主义的独有的信念——但那不是清澈的光。

5.Her father, a yacht and airplane designer, and her mother, a portrait painter, were both free spirits and very individuapstic.她的父亲是一名游艇和飞机设计师,母亲是肖像画家,两人都无拘无束且崇尚个人主义。

6.As a result it was more individuapstic, centering almost completely on personal conversion and safe passage to heaven.结果它是更加个人主义,几乎只是集中在个人的改变和安全通往天堂的路。

7.Secularism tends to make people selfish and individuapstic.世俗主义偏向令人自私和个人化。

8.We had the feepng that this approach was scientific , logical , and rightly based on individuapstic principles .我们当时感到芝加哥学派的学术是科学、合乎逻辑、正确地基于个人主义原则的。

9.People playing mah-jong or sleeping on a cot in the street was the antithesis of the individuapstic societies we had come from.人们在街边打麻将或在躺椅上睡觉,这与我们所生活的个体化社会截然不同。

10.The individuapstic first-person certainty which underpes both rationapst and empiricist approaches to philosophy is shown to be in error.建立在个人主义的第一人称确定性基础之上的哲学的理性主义和经验主义方法都表明是错误的。