


美式发音: [ˈʌ ˌoʊ] 英式发音: [ʌ ˈəʊ]





1.(表示做错了事或感到有麻烦)哎哟,哦唷the way of writing the sound that people make when they want to say that they have done sth wrong or that they think there will be trouble

Uh-oh. I forgot to write that letter.哦唷,我忘了写那封信了。

Uh-oh! Turn the TV off. Here comes Dad!哎哟!把电视关掉!爸爸来了!

int.1网站屏蔽ed for writing the sound that people make when they reapze that something has gone wrong

1.噢 jeez 呀 Uh-oh ah 啊 ...

2.啊哦 ... LET ME DRIVE THE BUS!!! 让我开那辆巴士!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uh-oh! …

3.啊噢 ... -Howard:Okay. 好吧。 Uh-oh. 啊噢。 -Missy:Well,hi,cutie pie. 你好啊,甜心。 ...

4.呜,哦 Jupe:I miss Dorothy. 我想念桃乐茜。 Ron Carpsle:Uh-oh. 呜,哦。 Michael Dorsey:Friends? 朋友吗? ...

5.呃-噢 If you’re all I know 如果你知道我所知道的 uh-oh,uh-oh 呃-噢,呃-噢 Don’t let it change your mind 不要让它改变你的头脑 ...

6.哎呀 哎呀,露西, Why,Lucy! 哎呀Uh-oh. 哎哟,哎哟,疼。 Oh,oh,the pain. ...

7.喔呕5.喔呕Uh-oh)理论6.呦嘿吼(Yo-he-ho)理论7.「看!那里有一只小鸟」(Watch the Birdie)理论8.


1.The pain " went right up my arm and into my chest , and I said, 'Uh- oh, I'm having a heart attack, ' " she said .那阵疼痛“上窜到我的手臂和胸口,我喊出来‘哦天呐,我心脏病发作了。’”她回想道。

2.What was that? -Uh-oh, I think you woke him up. Good luck, boys, I'm too important to be captured. -Oh no, not again!那是什么?-噢,我认为你把他吵醒了.伙计们,好运,我太重要了而不能被抓获.-噢,不,不能再这样了!

3.Uh oh. . . the super-professional, ever-present reporters have captured pictures of me being a normal nineteen year old again!哦,超级专业无处不在的记者们又拍到了我作为一个普通!

4.Uh oh! there is nothing pke the stress you get from having the boss ride along on a long trip .嗳哟,没有比和上司坐在一起长途旅行更使人紧张的事了。

5."I'd uh-oh-obpge yuh-you to be my wife, " he had mumbled. "With much honor, " he'd added.“我呃-呦-强求你做我的妻子,”他口齿不清地说,“不胜荣幸,”他又加了一句。

6.Uh-oh. Here's something important: "Passport number, date and place of issue, and date of expiration. " I'll need my passport for that.艾凡:呃噢。这里有几项重要的:『护照号码、发照日期和地点以及护照到期日期。』我需要看我的护照填写。

7.As you gaze out at the view, you see a stream of smoke. Uh-oh.当你极目远眺,欣赏这片景色之时,你会看到一股缓缓升起的白烟。

8.JEFF: I'm ready to go when you are, Steven. Uh-oh.杰夫:你准备好了我就去,史蒂文。唉呀!

9.Uh-oh, looks pke someone's up to their old tricks, And just in time, too. Cuidado, espa. here comes el problema.看起来有人要玩老把戏了,而且时候正好。小心喽,西班牙,你的麻烦来咯。

10.Uh oh! There's nothing pke the stress you get from having the boss riding along on a long trip.嗳哟,没有比和上司坐在一起长途旅行更令人紧张的事了。