




1.文化交流 人才机制 talent system 文化交流 cultural communication 文化活动 cultural events ...

2.文化传播 ... ) communicative culture 交际文化 ) Cultural communication 文化交际 ) communication culture 交际文化 ...

4.文化传播学 ... 文化经济学 Cultural Economy 文化传播学 Cultural Communication ...

5.交际文化  深层文化上的沟通 cultural communication 翻译鉴赏篇 Translation Evaluation I ...

8.文创出版传播 ... Visual Design 综合视觉&广告设计 Cultural Communication 文创出版传播 Space & Exhibition 商业空间& …


1.Appellations of good and bad, therefore able to promote interpersonal and cross-cultural communication, and promote social harmony.因此称谓语的好坏能够促进人际交流和跨文化交际,促进社会和谐发展。

2.No doubt the government, and cultural differences are barriers to cross-cultural communication, but it is only an objective disorder.毋府置疑,文化差异是跨文化沟通的障碍,但它只是客观障碍。

3.Postcolonial translation theorists often approach cultural communication from the point of "weak" countries and "weak" cultures.后殖民翻译理论家往往站在弱小民族和弱势文化的立场来探讨文化交流中的翻译问题。

4.In the process of cross-cultural communication, interpersonal nature of human behavior characteristics of cross-cultural communication.在跨文化人际交流过程中,人的行为本质决定了跨文化交流的特点。

5.The term cross- cultural communication is typically used to refer to the study of a particular idea or concept within many cultures.跨文化交际一般是用来指对在不同文化领域内的某个特定的观念和想法的研究。

6.Well-trained professional interpreters should be capable of steering the cross-cultural communication toward a mutually expected outcome.训练有素的职业译员应该具备为跨文化交流搭建桥梁,助其实现预定目标的能力。

7.Language plays a commanding role as a means of communication, especially in cross-cultural communication.而语言在交际中尤其是在跨文化交际中起着至关重要的作用。

8.Poetry translation is not a simple language transformation, but it undertakes the mission of cultural communication.古诗翻译不是一个简单的语言转换过程,而是承担着世界文化交流的重要使命。

9.Cross-cultural communication is dynamic, and trade mark translation should follow such a dynamic trend.跨文化交际是动态的,商标的翻译应该考虑文化交流的动态性,走出广告翻译的误区。

10.This is a new kind of "Pidgin" Engpsh. This strange Engpsh variety tends to make psteners uneasy in cross-cultural communication.在跨文化交际中,这种“怪调英语”容易使对方不舒服从而影响交际效果。