


网络释义:布宜诺斯艾利斯;积屑瘤(built-up edge);阿根廷


1.布宜诺斯艾利斯 BUD 布达佩斯 BUE 布宜诺斯艾利斯 BUH 布加勒斯特 ...

2.积屑瘤(built-up edge) 智利 SCL 阿根廷 BUE 乌拉圭 MVD ...

4.布宜诺斯埃 SEA 西亚图 BUE 布宜诺斯埃 OUA 瓦加杜古 ...

5.杯 muai 妹 bue bui 肥 ...

6.飞 buang 伴, bue , bug 佛, ...

7.公牛 bufalo 水牛 bue 公牛 mulo 骡子 ...


1.We have decided to have a party to welcome her. Bue we haven't fixed the time for it.我们已决定办个派队迎接她,但是派队的时间还没确定。

2.I'm going to bed early. Bue-bye.我要早点去睡觉了。再见。

3.I not only use all the brains that i have, bue also all that i can borrow.我不仅会绞尽自己的脑汁,我还会充分利用所有我能借来的脑子。

4.So i decided to bue a present to myself.所以,我决定为自己买一个泰迪熊。

5.to the world you may be a person, bue to me you may be a world!对这个世界来说你只是个普通人,但是对我而言你却是全世界……

6.my feel, my happy feel, it is always with me. bue i can't feel. why? i want to know. answer meplease. you will cheer me ? right!我的感受,我开心的感受,他们总是跟随着我。但是我感觉不到,为什么?我想要知道答案,请回答我!你会使我振作,对吗?

7.Bue most of them used covered wagons which were pulled by strong oxen.但是大部分的人使用了由强壮的公牛拉的货车。

8.The day passed quickly, bue she worked as hard as ever.日子很快过去了,她工作却丝毫没有放松。

9.It's the world's largest island, bue it's also the world's smallest continent.它是世界上最大的岛屿,同时也是世界上最小的洲。

10.I know fantasy is hard to come true, bue dream can.我知道幻想是很难实现的,但是梦想却可以实现。