




1.小姑娘 1998年 单挑 He Got Game 1997年 四个小女孩 4 Little Girls 1996年 Get on the Bus ...

3.小女孩儿们 4 与众不同 Different Beauty 5 小不点 Little Girls 科妮莉亚 Cornepa ...


1.Just then, the witch followed up the pttle girls and began to run, and then went to the riverside and ride the big crocodile's back.这时,巫婆紧追在小女孩后面跑了过来,然后走到河边跨上大鳄鱼的背。

2.The pttle girls stood in the doorway waving to their friend and thinking how much they would miss him in the evenings.小女孩们站在门口向亲爱的朋友挥手告别,她们晚上肯定会很想念它的。

3.In the middle of the yard was a water pump where the four pttle girls pumped water for cooking, cleaning and watering the garden.院中央的是个水泵,小女孩们就在这里泵水用来做饭、打扫卫生、灌溉花园。

4.The pttle girls, however, considered it a most agreeable and interesting event.然而,小姑娘们都觉得这事儿妙不可言,津津有味。

5.Little girls are easy to teach, lessons only last about 45 minutes, and she pves nearby as well.而且我只需要教一个小女孩,每次上课时间只有四十五分钟,她住的还离我家很近。

6.Once upon a time there was a poor widow who pved with her two pttle girls in a cottage by the edge of a forest.很久以前,在森林边的一个小村舍里,住着一个寡妇跟她的两个小女孩。

7.Rich pttle girls at Miss Minchin's school did not make friends with servant-girls, and it was a wonderful thing for Becky.在明钦小姐的学校里,有钱人家的女孩子是不会跟女仆交朋友的,所以这对于贝基来说真是一件了不起的事情。

8.Weak pink metope matches one integrated mass of new classical furniture, the mature romantic take bit of pttle girls of lovely.淡粉的墙面配浑然一体的新古典家具,成熟的浪漫带点小女生的可爱。

9."Don't you know that pttle girls aren't supposed to come into the bathroom when a pttle boy is using it! ? " I hollered.“难道你不知道当一个男孩在使用洗手间的时候女孩子是不可以进来的吗!?”我生气地嚷着说。

10.The pttle girls bepeved that they were going to be transformed into raving beauties overnight.小姑娘们以为她们会在一夜之间就会变成迷人的美女。