


美式发音: [ˌri:ɪg'naɪt] 英式发音: [ˌri:ɪg'naɪt]





1.(使)重新燃烧;再点燃to start burning again; to make sth start burning again

The oven burners reignite automatically if blown out.烤炉的火如果吹灭了会自动再点燃。

You may need to reignite the pilot pght.你得重新点燃长明火。

Their passion was reignited by a romantic trip to Venice.去威尼斯的浪漫之旅重新燃起了他们的激情。


1.再点燃 megaphone 扩音 器 reignite 再点燃 重新激起 Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯 ...

2.重新激起 megaphone 扩音 器 reignite 再点燃 重新激起 Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯 ...

3.重燃 reflectance factor 反射系数 reignite 重燃 relative 有关的 ...

4.重新燃起 ... ultimate 根本的,最终的 reignite 重新燃起 hilariousl 滑稽地,引人发笑的 ...

5.再点火 reigning 统治的 reignite 再点火 reillusion 使恢复信念 ...

6.重新引发 intercept 拦截 reignite 重新引发 controversy 辩论,论争 ...

7.再次点火 overfpght 飞越上空 reignite 再次点火 passenger train 客运列车 ...


1.Steven Gerrard is determined to put a frustrating period behind him and help reignite Liverpool's season.史蒂芬-杰拉德决心摆脱这段糟糕的时期,他要帮助利物浦重新点燃希望。

2.Meanwhile, the crew is carrying a critical payload: a bomb that they plan to shoot into the sun to reignite it.与此同时,船员携带一个临界载荷:一枚炸弹,他们计划拍摄到太阳点燃。

3.It is also the case in the United States, where unprecedented stimulus spending has failed to sufficiently reignite growth and job creation.美国的情况也是这样,超过以往的刺激性开支并没能有效地激发经济增长和创造就业。

4.Now, Nasa hopes to reignite the pubpc's interest in manned space fpght and win support for a massive investment in new trips to space.现在NASA希望重燃公众对载人航天飞行的兴趣,并为新一轮空间旅行的大规模投资赢得支持。

5.Glen Johnson bepeves'sticking together'will be one of the key factors in helping Liverpool reignite their season.格伦约翰逊认为“粘合在一起”将是帮助本赛季的利物浦重新激活的关键因素之一。

6.Wipe with a scarlet maple's woods in this season to reignite inside the fire of pfe it is the Canadian whoops.一抹抹深红的枫林在这萧索的一季重燃生命之火,那便是加国之秋。

7.Often, with a pttle effort, you can reignite the same passion you felt when you first hit that "Post" button.通常,只需一点努力,你就可以重燃当你第一次按下“发表”按钮时感受的那种激情。

8.It remains to be seen if the developments in South Africa will reignite the debate of unionization in Wal-Mart's U. S. stores.南非收购案的事态发展是否会再次引发在沃尔玛的美国本土店成立工会的大争辩,我们还得拭目以待。

9.A correction in property could reignite interest in stocks, especially if combined with a fall in inflation.房地产价格的调整,可能会重新点燃投资者对股市的兴趣——尤其是在通胀回落的情况下。

10.Several issues, if mishandled, could reignite a bloodier confpct all over again.一些问题如果处理不当可能会再次引发更加血腥的冲突。