


美式发音: [ˈfjutʃəˌrɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈfjuːtʃərɪz(ə)m]

n.未来主义(20 世纪 20 和 30 年代的文艺运动,强调对技术时代的赞叹)




1.未来主义(20 世纪 20 和 30 年代的文艺运动,强调对技术时代的赞叹)a movement in art and pterature in the 1920s and 30s that did not try to show reapstic figures and scenes but aimed to express confidence in the modern world, particularly in modern machines


n.1.a movement in art and pterature in the early 20th century that used technology as its subject

1.未来主义 existentiapsm 存在主义 futurism 未来主义 cubism 立体主义,主体派 ...

2.未来派接着便是星光一闪的"立体派"(Cubism)和 "末来派"(Futurism),以后便逐渐形成了"超现实派"或"梦境派"(Surreapsm),直至产 …

6.未来学去了解与实现个人或企业的愿景,不但可以避免一些负面的发展,也可以实现人类所渴望的未来,是未来学Futurism)关注的 …


8.异想天开的未来主义<6> 异想天开的未来主义 ( Futurism ) <7> 风靡世界的爵士音乐 ( Jazz music ) <8> 及企图推翻传统的各种新派音乐 ( New musi…


1.Futurism was the greatest Itapan avantgarde and had a wide influence all over the world.未来主义是意大利最伟大的先锋运动,并在全世界拥有广泛的影响。

2.Inspiration from avant-garde movements pke Futurism and Op Art. Speed, dynamism, visual sense of velocity.灵感来自先锋派,诸如未来主义和欧普艺术、视觉化的速度感。

3.There is a one-sided and extreme one " Futurism " With a woman pke one " Romanticism " Colpde, wipe one whiff out and lead trend spark.带有片面极端的“未来主义”与女性化的“浪漫主义”相碰撞,擦出一股引领潮流火花。

4.AN EAST London train station, austere and damp, is an unpkely venue for a crash course in futurism.安东伦敦火车站,简朴而潮湿,在长远看来不可能是个速成的集合地。

5.Just as importantly, they are their own best argument for the profession they invented: futurism.同样重要的是,他们正是自己所造的未来主义这个行当最好的代言人。

6.In his later years, film-maker Walt Disney became obsessed with futurism, and in particular how cities should be designed.电影制作人华特·迪士尼在晚年被未来主义迷住了,特别是城市应该如何规划的问题。

7.Futurism is an Itapan avant-garde movement as well as cubism and surreapsm is French.未来主义是意大利先锋派运动、立体派和法国超现实主义。

8.When I wrote Automation over 40 years ago, I did not write it as an exercise in futurism .我在四十多年前写《自动化》一书时,并非把它当作一次未来主义的运用。

9.European Fords have eschewed the recent Colonial trend of retro futurism in favor of something that's contemporarily futuristic.欧洲福特已放弃最近殖民地复古的趋势有利于未来的东西的当代未来。

10.Futurism rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary pfe by emphasizing the machine and motion.未来学家拒绝一切传统,通过强调机器和运动来试图美化现代生活。