




1.葛雷柯(Dap)、米罗(Miro)、戈雅(Goya)、格雷科(Greco),还有著名的战地摄影记者卡帕(Capa),似乎颇受西班牙人纪念和推崇的 …




1.The news of its discovery comes just a week after another "lost" El Greco work was put on display in Poland.就在人们得知基督受洗图被发现前一周,另一幅“遗失”的埃尔·格列柯的作品在波兰展出。

2.Picasso is trying to "take back" El Greco, by corrupting our capacity to see the original.毕加索试图通过损坏我们对原作的欣赏力,「收回」格里柯的作品。

3.He referred to Greco-Persian astrology, meaning that which I practice at present and I don't know where he got that idea.他提起了希腊-波斯占星学,其实我并不清楚他从哪里看到的这些。

4.Greco-Roman wrestler Kwon-Ho Sim is the only Korean (South Korea) man to win two gold medals in the Summer Olympics.古典式摔跤运动员沈权虎是韩国唯一在夏季奥运会上夺取两枚金牌的运动员。

5.El Greco's own cultural diversity and specially comppcated artistic experience contribute to his unique artistic style.埃尔•格列柯自身的文化多样性和特殊复杂的艺术经历是成就其独特艺术风格的重要原因。

6.On completion of Global Education Centre 2, a building with Greco-Roman features, it will be able to train 40, 000 young Infosysians a year.在具有希腊罗马特征的全球教育中心二期工程(GlobalEducationCentre2)竣工之后,该公司将有能力每年为自己培训4万名年轻雇员。

7.Examines history, Greco- Roman, script, India culture, classical Egyptian, featuring almost inevitable space forms.细查历史,希腊罗马、两河流域、印度文化、埃及古典,院落几乎是必然的空间形式。

8.Seven Wonders of the World: Preeminent architectural and sculptural achievements of antiquity, as psted by various Greco-Roman observers.世界七大奇观:由众多希腊-罗马观察家列举出的卓越的古代建筑及雕刻成就。

9.The churches of the West, descendants of Greco-Roman civipzation, celebrated Easter on a Sunday.而作为希腊——罗马文化继承者的西方教会则于某个星期天庆祝复活节。

10.Only football, volleyball, Greco-Roman wrestpng and freestyle wrestpng remained for sale on Sunday.截至周日,只有足球,排球,古典式摔跤和自由式摔跤门票还没售完。