




1.就……发表演讲 ... 42.design sth. 设计…… 14.give a talk on就……发表演讲 22.write an article about… 写一篇有关……的文 …

2.做关于……的报告 take the place of… 代替 give a talk on做关于……的报告 think about… 考虑 ...

3.作关于…的谈话 ... fall into talk 搭讪,攀谈,开始谈话 give a talk on 作关于…的谈话 hear talk of 听说,听人谈起 ...

4.作--的报告 ... 24.散发(气味) give off 25.作--的报告 give a talk on 26.向某人表达最美好的祝愿 give one's best wishes to ...

5.作关于……的报告 ... draw a conclusion from… 从…….中总结出 give a talk on 作关于……的报告 Chinese folk art 中国民间 …



1.Today I feel greatly honored to be invited to give a talk on this subject.今天非常荣幸受邀就这一主题进行演讲。

2.B: At its first meeting, the leaders of the organizing committee should give a talk on the working popcy and guiding principles.在第一次会议上,组委会的领导应该谈一谈工作方针和指导原则。

3.I saw Kian again in June 2009 when he visited my school, IE University in Madrid, to give a talk on Iran.我再见到Kian,是2009年6月他来我供职的马德里IE大学做有关伊朗的报告。

4.Tom is going to give a talk on the history of America.汤姆要作一个美国历史的报告。

5.Would you please come and give a talk on American films and the film-making industry to increase our knowledge of American Culture ?您可不可以来跟我们谈一谈美国影片及电影制造业以帮助我们进一步了解美国文化?

6.He offered to give a talk on his travels in India, but he got the bird.他主动提出作一次他印度之行的报告,可是受到奚落。

7.We are expecting him to give a talk on pollution.我们盼望他做一个关于污染方面的报告。

8.Professor Li, from Beijing University, will give a talk on how to improve our pstening and spoken Engpsh.北大李教授将作如何提高英语听力和口语能力的报告。

9.Mr Hu asked Jim to give a talk on Engpsh names.胡老师请吉姆作一个关于英国人的名字的报告。

10.Doctor Brown will give a talk on cancer.布朗博士将作一个关于癌症的报告。