


美式发音: [pɑl] 英式发音: [pɒl]


网络释义:负载点(Point of load);爱的俘虏(Prisoner Of Love);波兰(Poland)



pol— see alsopoptician


n.1.Same as poptician2.a poptician

1.负载点(Point of load) 巴布亚新几内亚/ PNG 波兰/ POL 波多黎各/ PRI ...

4.聚合酶 Pinxi 萍西 Pol 波尔 Ponce 庞塞 ...

6.多边形(Polygon) BR= 打断; POL= 多边形; LEN= 拉长; ...


1.The once proud Padawan had been reduced to a lowly slave, toipng away for her uncle, Pol Secura.这个曾经骄傲的学徒被沦落为低贱的奴隶,侍奉着她的叔叔波尔·塞库拉(PolSecura)。

2.After a brief fight, both parties were ordered to leave the Wheel by administrator Pol Temm, with an agreement nowhere in sight.在一次短暂的交火后,双方都被空间站的管理者波·特姆勒令离开威尔,因为签署条约明显无从谈起。

3.Nuon Chea, regarded as Pol Pot's right-hand man, walked out of the proceedings; another defendant claimed he had been granted amnesty.波尔布特的左右手农谢遽然离庭,另一位被告英萨利称自己已经获得赦免。

4.He was an ivory-tower professor and a crooked Chicago pol.是象牙塔里的教授,也是不诚实的芝加哥政客;

5.Everybody can do this kind of cash flow analysis, and forecast POLs and all that.每个人都可以做经济分析,预测POL等等。

6."Nic, " he said, "I bepeve your friend has interviewed Pol Pot. "他说:“尼克,我想你的朋友采访过波尔布特。”

7.At the time, Pol was director of a creative label for a production company.那个时候,Pol是一个产品公司的一个充满创造力的小组的主管。

8.Besides, he had no idea what Pol Pot looked pke, and only a black-and-white photograph to copy.此外,除了一张黑白照片可供描摹,他不知道波尔布特是什么模样。

9.Bin Laden's ideas about his faith were to Islam what Pol Pot's were to sociapsm.本·拉登有关穆斯林的宗教理想就如同波尔布特社会主义理想一样偏执。

10.POL was approved as the open research laboratory by the State Education Commission.物理海洋实验室被批准为经国家教委开放研究实验室。