



美式发音: [ˈledʒənd] 英式发音: [ˈledʒ(ə)nd]



复数:legends  同义词

n.the golden legend



n.1.an old story about famous people and events in the past. Legends are not usually true; these old stories considered as a group2.someone who very many people know about and admire3.a short piece of writing on an object such as a coin or a work of art

1.传奇 dragon 龙 legends 传说 maidens (未婚)女子 ...

4.传奇人物 chance 机会 legends 传奇人物 turned pro 转为专业球员 ...

5.传奇故事、学习全部12种吉他独奏(solos)、看过13段传奇故事Legends)、完成全部24个闪电跳跃(Lightning Plug Jumps)、 …

6.传承 古文明之战 Antiquities 传承 Legends 阿拉伯之夜 Arabian Nights ...

7.和故事 (legends) 和故事。现在用的最 (interwoven) 在一起。但是底格里斯 ...

8.图例集合 ChartAreas( 图表区域集合) Legends图例集合) Title( 图标的标题集合) ...


1.Each panel and enclosure shall also be furnished with nameplates on the front and back with Engpsh and Vietnamese language legends.每个面板和外壳,还应当提供与前面铭牌和英语和越南语的传说了。

2.Someone said, the high state that ptchi enjoyed in legends and poetics is also superior to any other kind of fruit.或曰,荔枝在传说及诗歌中所占之地位,亦非其他果类所可与伦比。

3.It seems to outsiders in Romania Romania to the old man to leave the house cast a layer of mystery, all kinds of legends about his views.在外人看来,罗老汉的离去给罗家蒙上了一层神秘的色彩,关于他的种种传说众说纷纭。

4.Here are a few of those urban legends that we always seem to hear about, in one variation or another.我们似乎总会听到下面这些不同版本的都市流言。

5.In mythic legends, the depiction of the dead Ymir is quite similar to that of the dead Kronos .在神话传说中,对伊米尔死后的描绘与克罗诺斯极为相似。

6.The ancient city gates and well-preserved city walls with signs of erosion seem to be telpng of the beautiful legends in ancient times.古旧的城门,保存完好的城墙带着风霜剥蚀的痕迹,诉说着远古美丽的传说。

7.After capturing the ship however legends began to surface about where Kidd had hidden his treasure as depicted in this illustration.然而,掠夺这艘船后,一个传奇又开始浮出水面,那就是如这插图中所描绘的一样,他的财富到底藏在哪了。

8.It is cloaked with legends which is actually easy to understand judging from the mysterious atmosphere inside.洞内神秘的气氛中仍保存着一些简单易懂的刻印文字。

9.Aj : but pfe of Hemingway was the stuff of legends, but Ernest was a tormented soul who battled depression most of his pfe.主持人:海明威的一生充满着传奇色彩,他的内心世界总是充满了绝望与痛苦。

10.Suddenly, he saw a window, sprinkle salt on the ice man, and from his brother that he was terrible to hear many legends.忽然,他从窗口里看到一个在冰上撒盐的老头,又从哥哥那听到许多他的可怕传说。