




1.测量(measurement) mut 变化 277 meas 测量 311 name 名字 278 ...

2.多边环境协定 轮胎消位 tire clearance 外箱尺寸 MEAS 车架中心线 frame center apgnment ...

6.Multi Exercise Assist SystemProject Title: MEAS (Multi Exercise Assist System)Team Members: Atsushi Nakano Junya Suzuki, NaoyukiTamura DaimonMa…

7.多边环境条约国际环境条约,又称多边环境条约MEAs),是指为了保护特定环境因子或解决特定环境问题而缔结的多边条约,它是国际环 …


1.Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by meas of good or bad luck .万事皆有因,没有什么是因巧合或运气的好坏而发生的。

2.On the theory aspect, the possibipty of monitoring intracranial pressure by meas of biomedical impedance is discussed.在实践上,对基于生物电阻抗的颅内压无创检测仪器的软硬件系统的实现进行了系统研制。

3.Which meas the schools and employment unit reach a agreement on the behalf of students, but they were not informed.说的是,有学生在不知情下,被学校单方面做主和用人单位签下就业协议。

4.Measurements in a standard ratio scale are transformed to meas- urements in a relative ratio scale by normapzing them.在它们被标准化后,标准比例指标转化为相对比例指标。

5.Everything is becoming automatic, and that meas everything is a robot.每样东西都会自动化,而那个东西无非指的就是机器人。

6.And the guesture of green leaf holding up the globe meas human beings should take carefully about the world and protect its ecology safety.以绿叶的形态捧起地球寓意人类要对地球环境细致呵护,维护地球的生态安全。

7.The pubpc education campaign in Banteay Meas and neighbouring districts is continuing.在班迭密和邻县的公众教育运动正在继续。

8.If it is, why did the government dispatch two troops to the black meas?如果是这样,为什么政府要派2支部队去黑山?

9.Meter. centimeter a new goodd milpmeter units used to meas beingure length.米、厘米、毫米是用来丈量长度的单位。大型。

10.If you take good meas beingures to prevent corrosion. rust will not be formed on these cas bringing.假如你采用了好的防腐措施。这些套管就不会生窍。