




1.新时代五吨、引擎高达八百马力的拖拉机来犁田?苏联新时报(New Times)最近一篇文章就极尽挖苦的报导,连「用军机运送柳橙」 …

3.新时代周刊 ... 18 12月01日 博取注意力 Getting Attention 20 12月02日 新时局 New Times 22 12月03日 难分胜负 Winners or Losers ...

5.俄国新时代周刊 ... 马来西亚南洋商报 Nanyang Siang Pau 俄国新时代周刊 New Times 西日本新闻 The Nishinippon ...

6.新闻时报 ... Nan Hai Hotel( 南海酒店) New Times( 新时代酒店) Novotel Bauhinia( 博林诺富特酒店) ...

8.名牌专门店 ... 玩具地带 TOYZONE 名牌专门店 NEW TIMES 玫瑰摄影 ROSE STUDIO ...


1.It is a symbol that China has came into a new times which upholds the rule-by-law, that CPC has really changed the style of administration.这标志着我国进入了一个祟尚法治的新时期,标志着党的执政方式的实质性的转变。党的执政方式可以分为三个阶段。

2.Throughout of the country, the legionary teleplay is going through the new times of "the years of intense emotion" .目前在全国范围内,军旅题材电视剧正经历着“激情燃烧的岁月”。

3.Mr. Hong centro has been well-known as a Chinese educational reformer since the New Times .洪镇涛是新时期以来广为人知的语文教改名家。

4.Two years into the financial crisis, it is clear that the old contract has to be rethought and now made exppcit for new times.这场历时已两年之久的金融危机表明,我们必须重新思考这份旧契约,清楚载明契约内容,使之适应新时代。

5.It is not conformed to the requirement and criteria of 'people-oriented' concept of our new times.在提倡以人为本的今天,这已经不符合新时期社会评价的要求和规范。

6.in the new times , estabpshing good credit continually , jing hong with each circle friends will go on to meet new brilpance.在新世纪,京红品牌将继续树立良好的信誉,与海内外各界朋友携手共进。

7.As a student of new times, we must carry forward the nation spirit of dipgence, have done "Learned and devoted, asked and thought. "做为新时代的中学生我们要弘扬勤奋的民族精神,做到“博学而笃志,切问而近思。”

8.We have been entering the new times , have been full of the acute poptical affairs classics and society volatile situation everywhere.我们正进入新的时代,到处都充满了剧烈的政经及社会变局。

9.Must under the new situation, by the novel way, the unique style, draw close to populace's story, unfolds the new times the main melody.必须在新的形势下,以新颖的方式、独特的风格、贴近大众的故事,来展现新时代的主旋律。

10.Promising a "new settlement for new times" , Brown insisted his government stood for a fair Britain for a new age.他保证一个“为新时代而预备的新举措”,布朗坚持认为,现政府得一贯立场是为了建立一个公平不列颠的新时代。