


美式发音: [ˈbreɪnˌstɔrmɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈbreɪnˌstɔː(r)mɪŋ]






1.集思广益a way of making a group of people all think about sth at the same time, often in order to solve a problem or to create good ideas

a brainstorming session一个集思广益的讨论会


n.1.a way of developing new ideas, through a discussion in which several people make lots of suggestions and the best ones are chosen

v.1.The present participle of brainstorm

1.头脑风暴 calpng 做事的冲动/热情, brainstorming 集思广益 2.2 C Sea breeze 海风, ...

7.集体讨论 8 Bosses 老板 9 Brainstorming 集体讨论 10 Commuting 乘公交车上下班 ...

8.自由讨论(3)、小组自由讨论brainstorming):教师有意识地挑出一些关键词语,让学生讨论,发挥他们的想象力。Herber指出,让 …


1.This proved to be one of the big points of difference between the company bosses and the popticians brainstorming in the mountains.这体现了正在达沃斯山间集思广益中的公司老板和政客之间的一处极大不同。

2.A variety of general management techniques is often used here, the most common of which are brainstorming and lateral thinking.本章通常使用各种各样的通用管理技术,最常用的是头脑风暴法与横向思维。

3.Schedule walks on your business calendar. Turn a walk into a brainstorming session with a coworker.附表走在您的企业日历。变为一个同事头脑风暴会议散步。

4.This would be an ideal day for a presentation or to do special brainstorming with others where you can participate a great deal.如果你能参与大量的头脑风暴或者做演讲的话,这一切会更完美。

5.I distilled all that complex brainstorming and math into a single index card.我将繁琐的讨论和数理推论中的精华写到了一张索引卡片上。

6.After a bit of brainstorming, Evelyn came up with several great titles for her book.伊夫琳左思右想了一阵之后,非常终为她的书想出了几个好名字。

7.It was just such an approach that, in 2002, led to a brainstorming session about reinventing basic thermal underwear.2002年,就是一次这样的做法,导致了一场关于重新设计保暖内衣的头脑风暴会议。

8.A person famipar with the matter called the vision statement a 'brainstorming document' and said it wasn't presented to senior executives.一位知情人士把这份原景陈述称为一份“头脑风暴文件”,并说它并没有呈递给谷歌的管理高层。

9.After I finished ripping it up, I looked on my desk to see my brainstorming paper fully intact, and my essay torn into bits.突然,我发现我的草稿纸完好无缺地放在我的桌子上,我TMD撕的是我刚写好的散文。

10.Alex Osborn, brainstorming's inventor, recommends an ideal group size of twelve, though this has proven to be a bit unwieldy.AlexOsborn头脑风暴的发明者,建议头脑风暴的理想人数为12个,尽管这已经被证明有些不实用)。