




1.迟到 早退 Leave early 迟到 Lateness 考勤 check on work attendance ...

2.又晚了 13.Whose Side Are You On 你是那边的 14.Lateness 又晚了 15.Party Dress 礼 …

3.迟到……………………一 ... UNIT 1 Cheeking Attendance 考勤 ……·· UNIT 2 Lateness 迟到……………………一 UNIT 3 Reading …

4.遟到 ... 出勤状况 Attendance record 遟到 Lateness 考核期间 Efficiency Assess Period ...

5.延迟式而因此改变制造顺序,则以不增加制造成本为原则。 延误天数(lateness) 延迟订单 (Tardiness): is an indicator of the amoun…


1.more than four unexcused absences (a week's worth) lowers your grade one letter; significant lateness will add up to absences.无故旷课超过四次(相当于一周的课)则降低一个成绩等级,而严重的迟到将被记为旷课。

2.But here I sit, in 2007, and my word isn't enough to get my kid out of a detention for lateness.但是我碰到的是,在2007年,我所说的话,不足以给我的孩子请假。

3.Remember to be prompt. No matter how progressive the company, nobody pkes lateness.记得要及时。不论多么进步的公司,没有人喜欢迟到。

4.For some people, lateness is nothing more than a habit learned in childhood from a parent or an older brother or sister who also ran late.对于有些人来说,迟到不过是童年时代从经常迟到的父母或哥哥姐姐那里学到的一种习惯而已。

5.It was at a five o'clock tea. A young man came to the hostess to apologize for his lateness.是五点钟喝茶的时候了,一个年轻人因为迟到来向女主人致歉。

6.Repeated lateness is a form of rudeness, as a latecomer takes away everyone's thoughts from the lesson.屡次迟到是无礼的表现,因为迟到者使别人上课分心。

7.The excuse he gave for his lateness was so preposterous that everyone laughed.他为自己的迟到所编造的藉口是如此荒谬,以至大家都感到好笑。

8.He made an apology for his lateness.他因迟到表示歉意

9.My teacher is angry with me for my lateness.因为我迟到了,老师很生气。

10.She always have the reason for her lateness.她总是有迟到的理由。