





2.美分LF CENTS),1美分(ONE CENT),5美分FIVE CENTS),半美角(HALF DIMES),1美角(ONE DIMNE),1/4美 …

3.五美分 ... (二十五美分)= twenty five cents,half-dollar (五美分)= five cents, dime (十美分)= ten cents,…

4.五分ter Dollar)、一角(One Dime)、五分(Five Cents)、一分(One Cent)等,其中一元硬币在美东较常见,例如:在纽约搭地铁时就 …

5.五仙 one dime 就是一毛 five cents 就是五分 one cent 就是一分 ...

7.伍分伍分Five Cents))硬币又称Nickel(尼叩),即镍币。Nickel直径21.21毫米,厚1.95毫米。


1.Like I said, this isn't official but maybe I can come up a pttle. Maybe as much as twenty-five cents per unit.就像我说的,这个报价不算正式,也许我可以再多给一点,大概平均提高25分钱。

2.The goal is to make a toilet that is robust, easy to clean, water- and energy self-sufficient, and costs a user less than five cents a day.他们的目标是研制一款干净、易清洁、能实现水与能源自给而且每人每天费用不超过5美分的厕所。

3.He sold it for five cents a glass out of a neighboring soda fountain where someone had the bright idea of mixing it with carbonated water.他通过附近的汽水吧台以5分钱1杯出售这种饮料,但在那里有人想出了一个聪明的点子,把它和苏打水混在一起。

4.He has said he required his family and friends to pay twenty-five cents to see his films when they were completed.他说,他要求他的家人和朋友看到他的电影,当他们完成支付二十五个美分。

5.Excitedly , he gave his twenty - five cents to the clerk , left the store and blew his whistle .分钱放在柜台上,然后离开那店,他吹著哨子,自得其乐。

6.He had in his pocket but five cents with which to pay his carfare home, so he sent the message collect.他口袋里只剩下五分钱坐车回家了,因此发出的电报由收报人付费。

7.But it is still too low to prompt radical changes in behaviour: it adds just five cents to the price of a ptre of petrol.但去促使行为发生较大的改变,它仍然太低。它只让一公升汽油的价格增加5分钱。

8.If she had to buy unsubsidized bread at five cents apiece, she would end up spending about one quarter of her monthly income on bread alone.如果花上5倍的价钱买议价面包的话,她们家每个月光是买面包就要花掉收入的四分之一。

9.For five cents he could have bought a package of Durham and brown papers and rolled forty cigarettes - but what of it?他用五分钱就可以买一包度浪牌烟叶和一些卷烟纸,自己卷四十支——可那又怎么样?

10.When you know what you stand for, you can turn around on dime and have five cents change.你知道自己的原则所在时,就能弹性应变。