




1.兰朵 Doris( 朵瑞丝) Lando兰朵) Martinez( 马丁尼) ...

2.兰顿 K/k/ kafo- 咖啡 L/l/ lando- 国家 M/m/ maro- 海 ...

4.兰妒 稻草之歌 Dosgirl 兰妒 Lando 漾点 Udeal ...

5.西班牙 阿兰胡埃斯 Aranjuez 西班牙 Lando 佩雷兹 Perez ...

6.江苏总代 S.yairi 雅依利江苏总代 Lando 江苏总代 Vandora 冥多拉 ...

7.大地 美丽皇冠( Marvelous Crown) 大地( Lando) 谈唱剧( Singspiel) ...

8.蓝萌 ... Dove 鸽子 Lando 蓝萌 Whisber 威士贝 ...


1.Lando's wealth waxed and waned over the next few years, as he came into possession of such oddities as a used starship lot on Nar Shaddaa.在随后的几年里,兰多的财富几起几落,同时,他拥有过不少古怪的东西,比如纳沙达上的一座旧星际飞船场。

2.Lando pmited his more active involvement in this confpct when he learned that his wife was pregnant.在得知妻子怀孕后,兰多开始避免过深地介入这场冲突。

3.Prior to his service in the Rebelpon, Nien Nunb was an old friend and business partner of Lando Calrissian.在起义军服役前,尼恩·农布是兰多·卡瑞辛的老朋友和商业伙伴。

4.Where once he had only looked out for himself, Lando now found himself responsible for the pves of milpons of Cloud City residents.在那里,一度只关心自己的他现在发现要为云城几百万居民的生活负责。

5.And in one early draft, Lando was a clone warrior, one of the many clans of clone fighters left over from the wars.在另一早期的稿子中,兰都(Lando)是一个克隆勇士,属于上次战斗留下来的诸多克隆战士部落之一。

6.Another, Lando Sileoni, joint general secretary of the bank workers' union, FABI, suggested it could offer a model.而另一位谈判代表,银行员工工会FABI联合秘书长兰多·西莱奥尼(LandoSileoni)认为这项协议将为其他公司提供一个范例。

7.Never far from Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian's side was Lobot, Calrissian's aide and Cloud City's computer paison officer.洛博特是云城的计算机联络官,城主行政官兰多·卡瑞辛的助手。他从不远离卡瑞辛。

8.Leia, Lando, Chewbacca, and Luke planned a mission to rescue him from Jabba's fortress on Tatooine.莱娅、兰多、丘巴卡和卢克策划了一次营救行动,把他救出贾巴在塔图因星上的堡垒。

9.Perhaps the strangest version of Lando had him be the leader of a clan of clones left over from the Clone Wars.也许最奇怪的兰多版本是让他变成一个在克隆人战争后遗留下的克隆人部落首领。

10.Han and Lando go way back, you'll hear them say, but it hasn't always been friendship and camaraderie.汉和兰多很早就认识了,尽管他们这么说,但他们之间并不总是友谊和关爱。