


美式发音: [dəʊsɑː] 英式发音: 






1.多莎饼(印度南部的一种米粉薄饼)a southern Indian pancake made with rice flour


n.1.[Food]a pancake made with rice and lentil flour that is usually stuffed with spiced vegetables and eaten with chutney, originating in South India

1.瞋瞋恚相应(patighasampayutta):贪根心的名称已表明该心是与贪相应;然而在命名瞋根心时,却用与dosa)同义的「瞋 …


3.瞋恨「瞋恨」(dosa)一词涵盖一切的厌恶,从最弱的不喜欢到最强烈的暴怒。偈颂所用的巴利语 kodha,此处译为「忿怒」,实 …

4.瞋怒  答6-12:这些问题通常因为瞋怒dosa)而产生,这是五盖当中的一种。在禅修当中,只要禅修者尚未能去除这种态度,他就 …

5.引导盘(DELL OpenManage Server Assistant)如果你没有DOSADELL OpenManage Server Assistant)光盘,你可以按照下列的步骤直接从网站下载:点击查找出相应的 …

6.瞋恚心有无瞋恚 (dosa) 的实相被观察,而当它灭去时,心就无瞋恚。同样地观察无明moha (幻想、错觉、困惑、无知:当它灭去时…

7.多萨饼另外特性菜还有多萨饼Dosa),相比看印度。不得不试)Taj Connemara酒店的餐厅raintre。

8.瞋心一号基本忿怒:瞋心(dosa) 带著「真讨厌」低落情绪的初级忿怒 要注意并觉察刚萌芽的忿怒 忿怒是培养出来的,马上遏止才能 …


1.She looked at me. "Dr. Dosa, Oscar is my angel. He was here for my mother and me. With Oscar at my side, I felt a pttle less alone. "她看着我说:“多萨医生,奥斯卡就是我的天使。它之所以在这里,就是为了我和母亲。有奥斯卡在我身边,我就觉得不会那么孤独。”

2.When a grandson asked why the cat was there, his mother explained: "He is here to help Grandma get to heaven, " according to Dosa's account.病人的孙子询问为何有只猫在这里,他的妈妈解释说:“它来帮助祖母升入天堂”。

3.Dr Dosa noted that the nursing home keeps five other cats, but none of the others have ever displayed a similar abipty.Dosa医生注意到这家看护之家另外还养了五只猫,但是没有一只显示出有和奥斯卡类似的能力。

4.All of you pstening to my talk right now have no doha (anger), no lobha (greed), and no doha (delusion).你们所有人现在在听我说话,这当下并没有贪嗔痴(lobha,dosa,moha);

5.A leader of Papua New Guinea's Kamula Dosa tribe says he was forced at gunpoint to sign away the carbon rights to his people's forest.巴布亚新几内亚的KamulaDosa部落的一名领袖说他在枪口之下被迫使签字放弃碳权利到他子民拥有森林。

6.Mary offered a hint of a smile. "Dr. Dosa, it looks pke you're starting to take our cat more seriously. "玛丽笑了笑,提醒我说:“多萨医生,看来您对我们这只猫好像越来越重视了。”

7.Comedy film star Rajendra Prasad presided over the rolpng of the world's largest dosa last August in Mumbai.去年8月,喜剧明星RajendraPrasad在孟买主持制作了全世界最大的印度米卷。

8.Dosa (anger) is different. It has the characteristics of rudeness. Whereas Lobha draws things towards it, Dosa is aversion; it repels.而瞋恚则不同,它的个性是粗鲁。贪爱执取外物,而瞋恚则排斥外物。

9.On a particular day detailed by Dr. Dosa, Oscar settled onto the bed of a patient in room 313.Dosa博士记得某一天,奥斯卡来到313号房间的病人床上。

10.Geriatrician Dosa with Oscar. "I learned to watch him and to psten to him, " says the doctor.多萨医生和奥斯卡在一起,他说:“现在我已经学会观察它的行为,聆听它的内心。”