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1.鲁本 ... I.拉美斯( Ramis) 鲁宾卡斯度( Ruben) 阿拔图( Alberto) ...

4.鲁文·冈萨雷斯 ... 达米亚 Damiá 鲁文·冈萨雷斯 Ruben 洛洛 Lolo ...

5.魔奇 Royce 国王之子 Ruben 儿子 Rudd 红润的,健壮的 ...

7.一个儿子 23.Royce 过往的儿子 24.Ruben 看,一个儿子 25.Rudolph 著名的狼 ...


1."Pesky new fossils. . . sharply at odds with conventional wisdom never seem to cease popping up, " Ruben wrote in his PNAS commentary.“极新的化石…尖锐地向传统知识体系发起挑战,而且看起来永远不会停止挑战,”鲁本在PNAS上的评论文章里写道。

2.Sampdoria are ready to send midfielder Ruben Opvera back to Juventus in January.桑普多利亚已经准备好在一月把鲁本。奥利维拉送还尤文图斯。

3.Days earper, Ruben Figueroa arrived with a card for the miners from his daughter's third-grade class.更早些时候,鲁本.菲格罗亚带着读三年级的女儿为矿工们制作的卡片来到这里。

4.Ruben: You are a very special human being. You are easy to love.你是一个非常特别的人类。你很容易爱他人。

5.Ruben: Nevertheless, even with no words, I'll be able to talk meaningfully from deep silence.然而即使没有文字,从深刻的安静里我也能够进行有意义的交谈。

6.And by the border of Ephraim, from the east side even to the side of the sea, one portion for Ruben.靠近厄弗辣因的边界,由东界到西界是勒乌本的一份。

7.Ruben: I wish I could, perhaps if I get a loan.我希望我能去,如果我能贷到一笔款。

8.Private Lynch, 20, will marry Army Sergeant Ruben Contreras next June, his mother said.今年二十岁的二等兵林奇明年六月将与军士鲁宾·孔特勒拉结婚,孔特勒拉的母亲说。

9.That would be consistent with raptors descending from birds, Ruben said, but not the reverse.而这将和迅猛龙(raptor)从鸟类进化而来的观点相一致,鲁本说,而不是反过来。

10.Ruben, the host, made all the arrangements and requested his wife to prepare dinner and make Bernard feel at home.并要太太准备丰富的餐点,让伯纳感到宾至如归。