


美式发音: 英式发音: [sɒftnəs]








1.柔和 Samples (采样) Softness柔和) Disc (圆盘) ...

2.柔软度 手感板硬-- HARD HANDLE 柔软度--- SOFTNESS 舒适性--- COM…

3.软弱 sofa n. 长沙发,沙发 softness n. 温和,柔和;软弱 software n. (计算机的)软件 ...

4.柔软性 Sodium bicarbonate 碳酸氢钠 小苏打 Softness 柔软性 Astringency 收敛性 ...

5.温柔 S——Sad—— 悲哀的 S——softness—— 温柔 A——Affectation—— 假装不在乎 ...

6.温和,柔和 sofa n. 长沙发,沙发 softness n. 温和,柔和;软弱 software n. (计算机的)软件 ...

7.柔和度 ... soft edges 当质量为最佳时,指定柔和板块边缘 softness 柔和度 solarize 曝光 ...


1.Essential to any Perfect garden, he held, was an expanse of "grass mown into a softness pke velvet. "他坚持对所有完美的花园最重要的一条是:柔软得像天鹅绒一般的草甸。

2.Tonight he did not look so stern, and there was a softness in his fine, dark eyes.今晚他看上去没有那么严肃了,他漂亮的黑眼睛里透着温柔。

3.Andrew Harding, head of Rio Tinto's copper division, said the softness in the Chinese market could persist for six months to a year.力拓铜业务负责人安德鲁•哈丁(AndrewHarding)表示,中国市场的疲软可能持续6个月至一年。

4.But inflation does not seem to be a threat with the current softness in the American housing market.但伴随美国房地产市场现有的疲软,通货膨胀看起来似乎并不是一个威胁。

5.She was amazed by his fingernails and the softness of the hands and warmth of his skin.她对他的指甲、手的柔软与皮肤的温暖很惊奇。

6.She cannot accuse me of showing a bit of deceitful softness.她不能控诉我说我表示过一点虚伪的温柔。

7.And you know, it had this fragrant softness, and it smelled a pttle bit of pnseed oil.它香气柔和,闻起来有点像亚麻子油。

8.The softness of her voice added to the weight of her remonstrance, by lending to the latter an air of purity and truth.她声音婉转柔和,使她的谴责显得那么真诚单纯,从而更增加了她谴责的力量。

9."How much do you pay a week? " ventured Carrie, emboldened by a certain softness in the man's manner and his simppcity of address.“每星期的工钱是多少?”嘉莉试探着问。那人的态度温和,说话其实,使她胆子大了起来。

10.The secret is to keep the smile and never raise the voice and a pttle bit of softness and communication and patience is always good.秘诀是保持微笑,不要抬高自己的声音。温柔一点,有耐心地去沟通总是好的。