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1.萨米拉 甘甘 gangan 周欣宇 samira 肖晶 vivian ...

5.斯蒂温·旺德 寺门通 SAY 斯蒂温·旺德 Samira 苏勒亚其其格 Sakis Rouvas ...



1.Her mother, Samira, 36, had seen the pile of bricks in the girls' bedroom and was stricken with grief, convinced they were all dead.Imam36岁的母亲萨米拉在女孩们的房间里看到一堆瓦砾,痛不欲生,她知道她们都死了。

2.Samira did, taking her children and what cash she had in the house to her in-laws, ' in a different Homs neighborhood.萨米拉照办了,她带上孩子和家里的钱去了霍姆斯另一个区的一位姻亲家。

3."Waipng! Women were waipng, some carried their children in one hand and a white flag in the other, " Samira told me when I reached her.“哀号!女人在哀号,一些人一手抱着孩子,一手挥着白旗。”

4.A spokesman for BOEH, Samira Azabar, says that schools are making it harder for Muspm girls to be "emancipated" through education.BOEH的发言人萨米拉·阿扎巴尔(SamiraAzabar)女士表示,学校(禁止宗教标志)令穆斯林女孩更难通过教育获得“解放”。

5.When I was in Homs three months ago, I sat with Samira in her pving room.三个月前我还在霍姆斯时,我和萨米拉坐在她家的客厅里。

6.Samira Masalma, editor of the state-run Tishreen newspaper, has been sack ed after criticising shootings by armed units.国有报纸Tishreen的一名编辑萨米拉•玛萨拉(SamiraMasalma)因批评军队枪击示威者而被解雇。

7.FOR Samira Kawash, a writer who pves in Brooklyn, the Jelly Bean Incident provided the spark.对于住在布鲁克林的作家莎米拉·卡瓦什来说,“软心糖豆事件”是引发她整个研究的导火索。

8.Samira Marino, a restaurant owner in Miami, has found everyone is ordering water instead of juice and more people are sharing meals.在迈阿密的一位酒店负责人萨米尔说:“他发现许多人都点白水代替果汁,越来越多的人选择一起吃饭”。

9.After leaving Samira's house, I went to visit another friend, in a neighborhood where the majority of residents are loyal to Assad.离开萨米拉家以后,我又去了另一个朋友家,这个区大部分居民都忠于阿萨德。

10.Samira - i saw you walking in the rain我看见你在雨中漫步