




1.一个修补的A HTTPd 1.3 的代码修改而成的,因此是“一个修补的a patchy)”服务器。


1.He deserves congratulations for winning such a vote even in the face of a costly war and a patchy economy.他确实值得祝贺,因为他是在面临一场昂贵的战争和经济失调的情况下赢得这场选举的。

2.A patchy brown or dark brown skin discoloration that usually occurs on a woman's face and May result from hormonal changes, as in pregnancy.褐黄斑通常出现在妇女的脸上的一种褐色或深褐色有染斑的皮肤变色,可能由怀孕等引起的激素变化所导致

3.The countryside was a patchy landscape interspersed with secondary forests that invaded fallow agricultural areas.农村的景观是由散落的小片田地拼凑而成,休耕中的农地则被次生林所侵入。

4.Welcome to Seoul where leaders from the G20 major economies are trying to find a way to reinforce a patchy global economic recovery.欢迎来到首尔,这里来自20国集团主要经济体的领导人正致力于寻找一条出路以促进复苏速度不同但正在恢复的世界经济。

5.Recent months, moreover, have brought particular hardships: high inflation, a patchy monsoon, a slowing economy and vanishing jobs.此外,严重的通货膨胀,突发的季风,缓慢的经济和减少的就业,使最近的几个月的形势尤其严峻。

6.Progress during the period has been spectacular, in spite of having to compete in a tough sector and a patchy track record in the past.尽管该公司必须在一个艰难的行业进行竞争,且过去的记录也差强人意,但它在这段时期内取得了惊人的进步。

7.Instead, Egyptians got six decades of autocracy, with generals manning the machinery of state behind a patchy sham of democracy.但事实却是埃及人民经受了长达六十年的独裁统治,将军们一边打着民主的幌子一边操控着国家机器。

8.It is more pkely to confirm a patchy rule of law and highpght the spm chance of doing business fairly in such an environment.这种做法更像证实了一种杂凑的法治,并凸现在这种环境中公正地从事经营的机会微茫。

9.Apple has a patchy record of securing patents and trademarks in this fast-growing but challenging market.苹果在中国这个快速增长但充满挑战的市场上申请专利和商标的道路一直坎坷不平。

10.When it comes to soothing catchphrases, the party has a patchy record.当涉及到安定人心的标语时,中共有过参差不齐的记录。