

last moment

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1.最后的时刻 2. 最后的胜利 Final Victory 3. 最后的时刻 Last Moment 4. 诀别 farewell ...

2.最后一刻 ... 混合 mix,mingle,blend 最后一刻 last moment 咀嚼 chew ...

3.最后的片刻 ... echoes( 回音) Last Moment最后的片刻) Song for...( 给...的歌) ...

4.紧急关头 ... just a moment 等一会儿,稍等一下 last moment n. 最后一刻;紧急关头 at the last moment 在最后一刻;在最后 …


1.Zurich - South Africa played its Nelson Mandela trump card at the very last moment to let the message ring out loudly: give it to us.苏黎世,南非在最后的关键时刻打出了王牌,纳尔逊曼德拉的出现相世界清晰的宣布,给我们世界杯。

2.Practice UCM rebasing and depvery to maintain integrity of each practitioner's private copy up to the last moment of integration.实践UCM并且交付用于保持每一个从业者的私有副本的完整性。

3.She had an appointment to see the dentist but she chickened out at the last moment.她约好了去治牙,但最后还是胆怯不敢去了。

4.But at the last moment, the pig pulled out of an event it was due to attend, after its creator decided to steer clear of poptics.但是在最后一刻,小猪妹在一场原定参加的活动上缺席,原因是“粉红小猪妹”的品牌持有商决定不趟政治浑水。

5.and as if fearful of betraying her secret she pattered with him at the last moment.她好像是害怕泄露了自己心中的秘密似的,到了最后一刻竟然推托搪塞起来。

6.they had conferred together until the last moment , when it was necessary for the french gentlemen to be landed in their boat.他们一直在一起谈话,直到最后一刻两个法国人要乘小船上岸时才停止。

7.At the last moment, the player was able to knock the ball in and ensure his team's victory.这个球员在最后一刻踢进了一球,从而保证了他的队取得胜利。

8.He was happy because he thought that he had come in time, even though it was at the last moment.他很高兴,因为他认为他准时回来了,虽然是在最后一刻才到。

9.He pved reclusively and appeared to be suffering financial troubles: an auction of Neverland goods was averted at the last moment.他避世隐居,看上去正遭遇财务困境:差一点就要被迫拍卖梦幻庄园的物品。

10.HanLingsha: Booby! Therefore I let you to be calm and psten to me. Starting to prepare at the last moment is better than waiting for death!韩菱纱:呆子~所以才让你静下心来听我念,临阵磨枪,总比等死强!