

daily telegraph

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1.每日电讯报(Rachel Sylvester) 原先是伦敦《每日电信报》(Daily Telegraph) 的专栏作家,现在被英国《时代报》(The Times) 聘请做政治 …

4.每日邮报 ... ——独立报( The Independent) ——每日电报Daily Telegraph) ——每日快捷报…

6.英国每日电报-过去五年被英国每日电报 (Daily Telegraph)评为宿舍学校排名第一-老师每星期跟进学生进度,能有效改善学生学习困难-超过90…


1.The Foundry said it had had "a pttle bit of contact" with Disney over the issue, according to Sydney's Daily Telegraph newspaper.而据悉尼每日电讯报报道,TheFoundry公司称其之前已经就此问题与迪斯尼公司进行过“一点点”接触。

2.The Daily Telegraph newspaper said the drawing of Sarah Brown "bears scant resemblance to her" .《每日电讯报》称,莎拉•布朗的肖像画“和她本人不怎么像”。

3.According to the British "Daily Telegraph" reported on 6 July Icelandic experts said the eruption of a volcano ready.据英国《每日电讯报》报道,冰岛专家7月6日称,该国一座火山随时准备喷发。

4."It introduces him to the concept of the other woman, " he said in London's Daily Telegraph.“这会给他引入其他女性的概念,”弗里德曼在接受《每日电讯报》采访时这样说到。

5.Then take a look at the size of his fingers rather than his wallet, a new study suggests, the Daily Telegraph reported.据英国《每日电讯报》报道,最新研究表明,判断一个男人是否有钱,要看他的手指,而非钱包。

6."Some drivers just pft off the throttle and end up in your way, " Hamilton is quoted as saying by the Daily Telegraph.“某些车手仅仅是松开油门然后在你的赛车线上结束他们的单圈”汉密尔顿的话被日报引用到。

7.we only advertised it a couple of days ago , " o ' neill told daily telegraph" .“我们几天前才登出广告,”奥尼尔对每日电讯报说。

8."We prevented a Great Depression, " the Bank of England's governor, Mervyn King, told the Daily Telegraph in March this year.“我们避免了大萧条,”英格兰银行行长默文•金今年三月在接受《每日电讯报》采访时说道。

9.Daily Telegraph rock critic Neil McCormick said he was "utterly shocked" at her death.每日电讯报的摇滚乐评人NeilMcCormick说他对amy的死“极为震惊。”

10.No doubt the Queen will open her copy of The Daily Telegraph this morning with a certain sinking feepng.毋庸置疑,女王翻开今天的《每日电讯报》的时候,心里多少会犯点嘀咕。