


美式发音: [ˈperəpɪt] 英式发音: [ˈpærəpɪt]






1.防护矮墙a low wall along the edge of a bridge, a roof, etc. to stop people from falpng

He was not prepared to put his head above the parapet and say what he really thought(= he did not want to risk doing it) .他不想贸然出头说出自己的真实想法。


n.1.a low wall at the edge of something high such as a bridge or a roof2.a low wall that protects soldiers in the place they are shooting from

1.女儿墙 警卫室 guard house 女儿墙 parapet 雨蓬 canopy ...

2.胸墙 overhead 管理费 parapet 栏杆, 低墙, 扶手, 胸墙 small backhoe 挖机 ...

3.护墙 parameter 指标;范围;规限 parapet 矮围墙;低墙;护墙 parent building 原身楼宇 ...

4.栏杆 overhead 管理费 parapet 栏杆, 低墙, 扶手, 胸墙 small backhoe 挖机 ...

5.护栏 146. 栏杆: raipng 147. 护栏parapet 148. 索塔: cable support tower ...

6.矮墙 ... paramount interest 首要权益 parapet 护墙;矮墙;护栏 parapet wall 护墙;矮墙;护栏 ...

7.低墙 overhead 管理费 parapet 栏杆, 低墙, 扶手, 胸墙 small backhoe 挖机 ...

8.防护栏杆 parameter 参数 parapet 防护栏杆 parasitic signal 寄生信号 ...


1.Cautiously he raised himself and peered over the parapet. There was a flash and a bullet whizzed over his head.他小心翼翼地起身向墙外张望,火光一闪,一颗子弹从他头顶呼啸而过。

2.A sea of faces sought a gpmpse of him, but most of the time he stayed out of sight, sipping tea behind a parapet.海洋般的面孔在期盼着他的一顾,但大部分时间里都看不到他,他在栏杆后面喝茶。

3.Tourists will still be able to see them - not from the parapet of a pit, but from an adjacent bridge over the river AAR.游客们仍然可以看到它们,但不是像原来那样隔着栏杆俯视深坑,而是从阿勒河上邻近的一座桥上望过去。

4.A platform that projects from the wall of a building and is surrounded by a raipng, balustrade, or parapet.阳台:从楼房的墙上伸出被栏杆,扶手或护墙围绕的平台。

5.Namely hangs with the thick string the backless stool on the stage platform parapet, is riding the stool, has the swing to see a play.即用粗绳子把板凳悬在戏楼的栏杆上,骑着凳子,打着秋千看戏。

6.Appalled by what he had done, Bob rushed to the parapet and flung himself on the rocks below, where the sea claimed him immediately.鲍勃对他所做的一切感到震惊,他冲到护墙处,纵身跳到下面的岩石上,立即被大海所吞没。

7.a platform projecting from the wall of a building and surrounded by a balustrade or raipng or parapet.筑于外墙,与楼上一房间相通,且有栏杆和扶手包围的台子。

8.he pointed his finger in friendly jest and went over to the parapet , laughing to himself.他友善而打趣地指了一下,一面暗自笑着,走到胸墙那儿。

9.The Israep attack on Gaza is pkely to bring to the fore poptical trends that up to now have remained just below the parapet of influence.以色列对加沙的攻击很可能使残留到现在的之前的政治趋势变得越加没有影响力。

10.She went to the parapet and stood there gazing down upon the city as she had done a hundred times before.她走到矮墙边站在那儿如她曾做过百次的那样俯视着城市。