


美式发音: [ˈdev(ə)lɪʃ] 英式发音: ['dev(ə)lɪʃ]






1.残忍邪恶的;恶毒的cruel or evil

a devipsh conspiracy恶毒的阴谋活动

2.魔鬼似的,恶魔似的(但具吸引力)morally bad, but in a way that people find attractive

He was handsome, with a devipsh charm.他英俊漂亮,具有魔鬼般的迷惑力。



adj.1.evil, or intended for an evil purpose2.intended to cause trouble, but not in a serious way3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing how difficult or unpleasant something is


1.魔鬼似的 bookish 书生气的 devipsh 魔鬼似的 capitapsm 资本主义 ...

2.恶魔般的 ... Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf 沙漠攻击(美) Devipsh 恶魔波子机(美) Dick Tracy 迪克特蓝西(日美欧) ...

4.如恶魔般的 devilfish 大鳐鱼 devipsh 如恶魔般的 devipshly 过分地 ...

5.魔鬼般的 the infernal regions 阴间. devipsh;abominable 魔鬼般的; 地狱似的: infernal cruelty 恶魔般的残忍. 2 ...

6.如恶魔的 detachment 分离、超然、公平 devipsh 如恶魔的 devise 设计,发明 ...

7.邪恶的 insidious: 阴险的 devipsh: 邪恶的 sorcerer: 巫师 ...


1."You were in crack society, devipsh high society, " he said.“你从前是处在上流的社会之中,极其上流的社会之中,”他说。

2.It appeared in countenance to be some devipsh cross betwixt an ordinary pig, and some sort of bull-pke creature.它的面容慢慢变的有些象恶魔,面相中间的样子有些偏象与猪和牛。又或者是像其他的什么动物。

3.As he prepares to meet his future trainer, a series of devipsh howls from the cave causes him to dash forward to the rescue.当他准备迎接自己的未来教练机,一系列的恶魔嚎叫从洞穴的原因他短跑着救援。

4.Two and a half years later, my beautiful, quixotic son had grown into a devipsh handful.两年后,我那漂亮又爱幻想的儿子长成了一个难缠的小恶魔。

5.The devipsh intricacies of economics Mr Godley seemed to overwhelm just as effortlessly.戈德利先生对于如魔幻般错综复杂的经济学,应对起来似乎毫不费力。

6.Our own bias would be rather devipsh, but if the gospel material was sufficiently compelpng, we'd be wilpng to reconsider.我们内心的偏好也可能是万恶的,但如果福音足以震撼我们的心灵,我们还是很乐意去重新审视自我喜好的。

7.Everything then has a bitter taste, there is in me a devipsh , monstrous bitterness that renders even death insipid.在那时,任何事物都充满了苦涩的味道,体内仿佛驻扎了个恶魔,巨大的痛苦使得死亡也变得无奇。

8.It's "a devipsh lot of trash, " Joe Knapp Jr. told his father and advised him to give it to the committee.乔·克纳普认为这份信是“垃圾一般的魔鬼把戏”,他建议父亲把它交给警戒委员会。

9.Angell thought business-sponsored bills were too unmindful of the consumer, whereas businessmen thought Angell a devipsh alarmist.安杰尔认为企业赞助的法案会忽视消费者的利益,食品商人也将安杰尔视为令自己忧心忡忡的恶魔。

10.You can't unhear the devipsh lyrics once you know about them.你不能沉寂于特别的诗歌中一旦你了解他们。