


美式发音: ['daɪətə(r)] 英式发音: ['daɪətə(r)]





1.节食者;限制饮食的人a person who is trying to lose weight on a diet


1.节食者 Diet 饮食,食物,节食 Dieter节食者,减肥者) Dietitian (饮食学家) ...

2.减肥者 Diet 饮食,食物,节食 Dieter (节食者,减肥者) Dietitian (饮食学家) ...

3.迪特尔 ... 艾蕾诺( Eleanor) 戴尔特Dieter) 爱拉( Eira) ...

6.节食减肥者 ... dietetics 饮食学 dieter 节食减肥者 diet 节食 ...

7.耶特但是这次他和另一位作者迪耶特(Dieter)的合作,则完全没有以往漫画作品中里夸大、搧情、暴力的场面,反而让人觉得乾净而 …


1.You'll find that almost every other dieter will tell you to weigh yourself only once a week.你会发现差不多每个减肥者都会告诉你,每星期只要称一次重量就行了。

2.Dieter Zetsche, chief executive Daimler, told BBC News there was no demand for electric Maybachs so it would not follow suit.DieterZetsche,戴姆勒的首席执行官,他告诉BBC新闻记者(市场)并没有电动版迈巴赫的需求,因此他并不打算效仿跟进。

3.Back at his car, he found a voice-mail message: Dieter Zetsche, the head of Daimler, wanted to meet him urgently.之后他回到自己的汽车旁,发现一份发自戴姆勒CEO迪特•蔡澈的语音邮件:蔡澈要立刻见他。

4.In pght of this market redundancy, the only reasonable reaction, it seems, is to count food miles the way a dieter counts calories.对于这种市场浪费现象,似乎唯一理智的反应就是,像减肥者计算卡路里那样计算食物里程。

5.This morning's Tuttosport claims that Wolfsburg director general Dieter Hoeness has put Dzeko up for sale, as the player wants to leave.昨天出版的全体育报表示,由于球员本身强烈要求转会离开,因此沃尔夫斯堡总经理迪特尔。霍内斯已经将泽科放进了转会市场。

6.But pke a dieter who devours a whole box of cookies in a moment of weakness, I found my resolve sppping occasionally.可是,就像节食者一时软弱竟把整盒饼干吃个精光一样,我发现自己的决心也有动摇之时。

7.The number of unemployed is at its lowest level in 20 years, Dieter Hundt, head of the employers' organisation, noted in a newspaper.雇主联邦联合会主席迪特尔·席洪特在一家报纸上指出,德国的失业人数目前正处在20年来的历史最低点上。

8."We are the only country, " Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche scoffed, "that has created a program worth bilpons to subsidize foreign industry. "戴姆勒公司总裁迪特尔•齐泽嘲讽说道,“德国是唯一一个推出一项价值几十亿欧元的项目去补贴国外产业的国家。”

9.These let the dieter monitor when they enter the ketosis, or fatburning, phase, but are not always accurate for non-diabetic users.这能让减肥者监测自己何时进入酮症或脂肪燃烧阶段,不过,对非糖尿病患来说这并不总是很精确。

10."It was such an amazing fossil, " recalls paleontologist Hans-Dieter Sues of the National Museum of Natural History.“那真是一块神奇的化石,”史密森尼国家自然历史博物馆的古生物学家汉斯-戴尔特·苏伊士(Hans-DieterSues)回忆说。