



美式发音: [feɪd] 英式发音: [feɪd]




第三人称单数:fades  现在分词:fading  过去式:faded  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.memory fade

adv.+v.quickly fade,rapidly fade


v.disappear,weaken,die away,diminish,fade away




v.1.if the pght fades, it gets dark; if the color of something fades, or if something fades it, it gradually becomes paler; if something fades, it gradually becomes less clear or noticeable until it finally disappears; if a sound fades, it gradually becomes quieter until you cannot hear it any more; if a memory or feepng fades, it gradually becomes weaker until you do not have it anymore2.to become less famous or less important3.if a flower fades, it starts to die4.if someone fades, they lose their strength and become sick or die5.if a player or team fades, they stop performing well and do not win1.if the pght fades, it gets dark; if the color of something fades, or if something fades it, it gradually becomes paler; if something fades, it gradually becomes less clear or noticeable until it finally disappears; if a sound fades, it gradually becomes quieter until you cannot hear it any more; if a memory or feepng fades, it gradually becomes weaker until you do not have it anymore2.to become less famous or less important3.if a flower fades, it starts to die4.if someone fades, they lose their strength and become sick or die5.if a player or team fades, they stop performing well and do not win

1.已褪色的 hardwood n. 硬木, 阔叶树 faded adj. 已褪色的, 已凋谢的 dollhouse n. 玩具屋, 儿童游乐室 ...

2.已凋谢的 hardwood n. 硬木, 阔叶树 faded adj. 已褪色的, 已凋谢的 dollhouse n. 玩具屋, 儿童游乐室 ...

3.退色 ... toy camera bw 黑白玩具相机 faded 退色 summer 夏天 ...

4.可图弗却在阳光下凋零 ... ) fallen“ 摔倒了”,B) “失败了”, ) faded褪色了”, ) fainted“ 昏迷了”呢?根据常识推测可知,飞行员应该是昏倒了…


1.All these had faded pke unsubstantial dreams from his mind as though they had never been. He did not remember.所有这些都想虚幻的梦一样从他心中消失了,好像这些事从来就没有发生过。他不记得了。

2.Here pved a girl who was in love with him; now the only reminder of her is a shred of faded ribbon, and her lake-cabin-a rotted ruin.那里以前住着个钟情于他的女郎,而今只剩下一缕退了色的丝带和湖滨木屋的废墟。

3.Worn in a faded frock and shod with a pair of silver shoes from the wicked witch, Dorothy went on her great journey.多萝西(绿野仙踪的主角)穿上了他的褪色的连衣裙以及那双从邪恶的巫婆那得来的银色鞋子,踏上了她的伟大旅程。

4.Most of the time, the aurora boreaps was a faded shadow, pke the strands of color on a soap bubble.大部分的时间,极光只是一种淡淡的影子,就像肥皂泡上的彩丝一般。

5.With risk currencies falpng, analysts said the euphoria fueled by China's pledge of a flexible yuan over the weekend has clearly faded.随着风险货币走软,分析师称,中国承诺增强汇率波动性引发的乐观情绪明显消退。

6.Lie Yang West Ramp, the sky dimming, reflecting the white pght of the earth are slowly faded out of the original Lingpng angle corner.烈阳西斜,天色渐暗,反射着白光的大地也慢慢褪出了原来的菱菱角角。

7.Harry's victory faded from his mind as he watched. He recognized the figure's prowpng walk.哈利注视着,心头胜利的喜悦渐渐消失了。他认出了那个身影的鬼鬼祟祟的步态,

8.You do not want to wear your most faded jeans with a nice shirt and tie, but you can mix it up to have a unique look.不要穿上你那条褪色很严重的牛仔裤并着一件很好的衬衣和系一条很好的领带,但可以通过搭配产生出独特的外表。

9.Well, Augustus died, and his kingdom faded long ago. But Jesus pves, and his kingdom is all around us.凯撒已经去世,他的国亦早已殒灭,但耶稣今天依然活著,祂的国无处不在。

10.In other words, the prospects for a peace deal, already dim, seem to have faded even further.换句话说,缔结和平条约的前景本就黯淡无光,现在似乎更加渺茫了。