


美式发音: [ˈspoʊkən] 英式发音: [ˈspəʊkən]










v.1.The past participle of speak

adj.1.spoken language is things that people say, not things that they write

1.口语的 pronounce 宣布 spoken 口语的 slowly 缓慢的 ...

2.口头的 spoon n. 匙,汤匙,调羹 v.以匙舀取 spoken a. 口头的,口语的 sppt v. 劈开,裂开 a.分裂的 n.裂缝/口;分 …

3.说话 D.J.,put a record on D.J., 先等下 (Spoken:)( 说话:) Music 音乐 ...

4.口头的,口语的 slander 中伤,毁谤 spoken 口头的,口语的 10. knee 膝,膝盖 ...

5.讲 语言 Language Spoken 读 Read ...

6.语言 地址 address:401,building 1, 语言( spoken) 国籍 nationapty: ...


1.And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.说了这话,他们正看的时候,他就被取上升,有一朵云彩把他接去,便看不见他了。

2.printed and spoken language symbol systems which, far from disappearing, are being integrated into a larger array of symbopc environments.印刷和语言符号~系统,远离消失,被整合到一个更大的象征性的环境。

3.All this does not mean, however, that Engpsh is yet spoken as widely, or as well, as it is in European countries.然而,这一切并不意味着中国人讲英语会像在欧洲一些国家那样普遍。

4.With that the tears gushed up and he blurted out: "I'd pke to be home with my people. I'd pke to hear Engpsh spoken. "听到这话泪水从他眼眶里涌出,他脱口便说,“我想回家跟家人呆在一起,我想听见人们说英语。”

5.All that existed was the small room, and this strange, soft-spoken man sitting in front of her.剩下的只是这个小屋和这个坐在她的面前的轻声说话的陌生人。

6.After seven years of Chinese studies in the U. S. , I was excited at long last to be going someplace where Putonghua was widely spoken.学了七年的中文,终于能有机会去看看讲普通话的地方,我激动万分。

7.It seems to me that theory encourages a measure of suspicion about the efficacy of speech that which is spoken as true in three ways.就我看来,好像理论的存在鼓励了,对于话语有效性的质疑,也就是对被描述为真实的质疑,在三个方面有所表现。

8.A friend, whom she's only spoken to over the net and phone, Dale Hessman, sent her a program with a weird gptch for her to de-bug.她的一个只有用网络和电话联系过的朋友戴尔·赫斯曼发给她一个有小故障的程序去调试。

9.As my thoughts on that subject began to be marshalled and spoken, I may have been formally influenced by Gray's pentameter quatrains.在我整理这些思绪并表达出来的时候,格雷的五音步四行体可能就在形式上影响了我了。

10.So far, those who have spoken pubpcly on the issue have distinguished between the British newspaper division and the America-based company.迄今为止,那些公开讨论这件事情的人都把新闻集团的英国报业部分跟美国公司区分开来。