


美式发音: [ˈveɪpəˌraɪz] 英式发音: [ˈveɪpəraɪz]



第三人称单数:vaporizes  现在分词:vaporizing  过去式:vaporized  同义词反义词


v.evaporate,boil away,boil,heat,vanish



1.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)汽化,蒸发to turn into gas; to make sth turn into gas


v.1.to become a vapor, or to change something into a vapor

1.蒸发 mixture = 混合; vaporize= (使)蒸发; particle = 微粒; ...

2.汽化 ◎ 汽缸[ cypnder] ◎ 汽化[ vaporize] ◎ 汽酒[ puff] ...

3.气化 sopdify 固化 vaporize 气化 volatipze 挥发 ...

4.使蒸发 vaporization heat 汽化热 vaporize 使蒸发 vapour 蒸汽 ...

5.逸散 逸群〖 preeminent;excelallothers〗 逸散vaporize〗 逸史〖 historicalrecordsbeyondthehistory …

6.变成蒸气 vapor n. 蒸气 vaporize vi. 变成蒸气 compete vi. 竞争,比赛 ...

7.蒸汽量 ... 房间容积 AreaM 蒸汽量 Vaporize 包装尺寸 Package size ...


1.If projectiles are sufficiently big and fast, they vaporize both themselves and a similar mass of the surface.如果撞击物够大且速度够快,会使本身连同地表上相近的质量蒸发。

2.Near the Sun they may vaporize, giving off the dust and gas that produce the comet's tail we see from Earth.在接近太阳时,它们会被蒸发,而放出气体和尘埃,形成我们所看到的彗星尾巴。

3.The volatile solvent may vaporize into the pores of the membrane and condense out on the other side.挥发性溶剂可蒸发进入膜的孔隙并在另一侧凝析出来。

4.The opium in the ceramic bulb at the end of the pipe will vaporize when a hot coal is appped to it.烟枪尾端陶瓷球里的鸦片受到煤炭加热后会发生汽化。

5.A diode or argon laser was used to vaporize areas of hypertrophic mucosa and submucosa along the cartilaginous eustachian tube.用二极管或氩激光沿软骨性咽鼓管汽化肥厚的粘膜和粘膜下层。

6.By Raoult's law, some of the target compound will vaporize (in accordance with its partial pressure).根据拉乌尔定律,目标化合物中的一些将会汽化(根据其分压)。

7.The combustion chamber is hot enough to completely vaporize the fuel, providing better combustion and reducing emissions.燃烧室温度不断上升,使燃油变成蒸气,改善了燃烧也降低了排放。

8.Radio waves would vaporize the waste, which would then be sent into a magnetic bottle containing a thin, trapped plasma.他们先以无线电波使废料汽化,然后送入一个装了稀薄电浆的磁瓶。

9.The flux coatings major task is to vaporize and form a shielding gas to protect the weld puddle from nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen.通量涂料主要任务是蒸发,形成保护气体保护焊水坑由氮气,氢气和氧气。

10.Liquid will vaporize to replace the gas that was removed, absorbing the heat of vaporization from the remaining pquid and the container.液体会从剩余液体和容器吸收蒸发热,蒸发来代替被提取的气体。