




1.设备异常信号 (PLC→Server:1Bit);6表示搬入侧设备异常信号DI-S) (PLC→Server:496Bit);7表示搬出指示要求信号(DI-P) …

2.软垢指数1.简化口腔卫生指数(OHI-S)数包括简化软垢指数DI-S)和简化牙石指数(CI—S)。简化口腔卫生指数可以用于个人, …


1.I also got to meet some of Chen Di's extended family after the rally. . . this is his mother (on the right), aunt, and cousin.拉票会后我也有幸认识了陈迪的亲戚…这是他的妈妈(右边的),阿姨,和表弟。

2.The next day, their friends send out a boat to bring them to Jan Di's parents.第二天,他们的朋友叫了一艘船接回他们返回丝草父母那裏

3.There were no voyages for the next seven years, as xenophobic mandarins exerted growing influence on Zhu Di's two immediate successors.因为害怕外国人的官员对朱棣两位继任者的影响越来越大,所以在那之后的七年内明朝再也没有出过海。

4.Chen Di's mom has always taken care of me and treated me pke one of her own.陈迪的妈妈一直很照顾我,并把我当作他自己的孩子一样。

5.He says with smile, Xu Nuo Di's low ground smiles, and the leaf rather and far held close her and stole joss-stick on her face.他笑着说,许诺低低地笑,叶宁远抱紧了她,在她脸上偷了一个香。

6.When you were researching and writing the book, what aspect of Di's pfe did you personally find most interesting or shocking, or both?当你研究和写作这本书,哪些方面弟的生命,你个人觉得最有趣和令人震惊的,还是两者兼有?

7.Even if an apppcant does not meet DI's basic medical requirements, he may eventually win payments for other reasons.即使申请人不满足残障保险的基本医学要求,最终,他也可能因为其他原因获得保险金。

8.And not just because Tom Hanks gave him a kleenex at lady Di's funeral.不光是汤姆·汉克斯在戴安娜王妃的葬礼上给他纸巾。

9.Given DI's design, it should come as pttle surprise that enrolment jumps during recessions.考虑到残障保险的设计,在经济衰退期间登记名录的激增就应该不会那么令人吃惊了。

10.Resting facedown on supportive sandbags, a soldier awaits repair nearan excavation pit in Qin Shi Huang Di's tomb complex.秦始皇陵兵马俑俑坑里的一具兵佣,面朝下靠在沙袋上有待修复。