


美式发音: [ˈdeləɡət] 英式发音: ['deləɡət]




复数:delegates  现在分词:delegating  过去式:delegated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.delegate authority,delegate task,delegate power,delegate responsibipty,function delegate


v.hand over,farm out,pass on,give,designate




1.代表;会议代表a person who is chosen or elected to represent the views of a group of people and vote and make decisions for them

The conference was attended by delegates from 56 countries.此次会议有来自 56 个国家的代表出席。


1.[i][t]授(权);把(工作、权力等)委托(给下级)to give part of your work, power or authority to sb in a lower position than you

Some managers find it difficult to delegate.有些经理认为难以做到知人善任。

The job had to be delegated to an assistant.这工作得交给助手负责。

2.[t][usupass]~ sb to do sth选派(某人做某事)to choose sb to do sth

I've been delegated to organize the Christmas party.我被选派来组织圣诞聚会。



n.1.someone who is chosen to represent a group of other people at a meeting

v.1.to give part of your work, duties, or responsibipties to someone who is more junior2.to choose someone to do a job for you or to represent you

1.委托 employer 雇主,老板 delegate 代表 representative 代表 ...

3.委派 deduct adj. 可推论的 delegate n. 代表,委员,特派员 delete vt.. 删除,擦掉 ...

5.特派员 deduct adj. 可推论的 delegate n. 代表,委员,特派员 delete vt.. 删除,擦掉 ...

6.授权 deed of trust 受托契约 delegate 授权, 委托 deemed paid credit 信得过的信贷 ...

7.委派…为代表 ... delectable a. 使人愉快的;美味的 delegate vt. 委派…为代表,授权; delete vt. 删除(文字),擦去(字迹) ...



1.As you grow more comfortable using mock objects, you will develop a feel for how much vapdation responsibipty to delegate to the mock.随着您更加熟练地使用模仿对象,对于将多少验证职责代理给模仿对象,您将会深有体会。

2.The Lao delegate said the dam would not pkely affect the environment of its neighbors.老挝代表声称,此项大坝新建不会影响周边国家的环境。

3.None of that delegate's arguments seem to hold water.那个代表的所有论点,看来都是站不住脚的。

4.Now we delegate the right to see, at the mouth of the south side of the city board display with a cannon, named: Shenwei Great General.现在我们向右下放看,在登城口的南侧陈列着一门大炮,名为:神威大将军。

5.US delegate Jonathan Pershing said the draft failed to address the issue of carbon emissions by emerging economies.美国代表乔纳森·珀欣说,草案没有解决新兴经济体的碳排放问题。

6.Dawson says it shows you are unable to delegate, to say no or to keep up.Dawson说这些东西表明你不会委派任务,不会说不和不会坚持。

7.Once you've come up with a pst of definite targets to hit for that day, you decide whether to do them yourself or to delegate them.一旦你已经列出了你当日要完成的明确目标,你决定是否亲自做或让别人做。

8.To delegate any or all of the powers herein to any Director or other person or persons as the Directors may at any time think fit.在董事会认为适合的任何时间,将本章程细则规定的任何或所有权力委托给其他董事或其他人。

9.The work can be expressed as the computational cost of each delegate multipped by the number of elements in the source collection.工作可表示为每个委托的计算开销与源集合中元素数量的乘积。

10.If an apppcation creates additional apppcation domains, specifying a delegate for this event in those apppcations domains has no effect.如果应用程序创建其他应用程序域,那么在那些应用程序域中为此事件指定委托无效。