




1.大鼠干扰素诱导蛋白10 ... 大鼠脂氧合酶同工酶1( LOX-1) 大鼠干扰素诱导蛋白10IP-10) 大鼠髓系细胞触发受体-1…


1."The last 10 years have seen a huge growth in the number of IP lawyers employed in firms and in-house, " he said.“过去10年已经看到了在企业内部聘请知识产权律师数量的巨大增长,”他说。

2.Many things you need to know as an introduction to IP as it relates to E-Commerce may be outpned in 10 points.您需了解的许多与电子商务相关的知识产权入门知识,可以被概括为十大要点。

3.Run simultaneously in multiple browsers, refreshing ticket sales page at 10 sec intervals to avoid IP lockouts until tickets are on sale.同时运行在多个浏览器,刷新票房收入在10秒的间隔页,避免IP锁定,直到机票销售。

4.Repeat steps 10 through 15 for each Web site that you want hosted on this IP address.对希望用此IP地址承载的各网站重复步骤10至步骤15。

5.IP rights have expanded from wealthier countries into poorer countries over the past decade.在过去10年里,知识产权从富裕国家发展到贫穷国家。

6.Proxy scanner can scan network up to 10, 000 IP addresses per second.代理扫描仪可以扫描网络可达每秒10,000IP地址。

7.Therefore, an external or Internet DNS server with a known IP address of 10. 255. 255. 255 was used to perform the query.因此,使用具有已知IP地址10.255.255.255的外部或InternetDNS服务器执行查询。

8.For example, a PBX or IP PBX might be configured to have 10 extension numbers for the sales department.例如,PBX或IPPBX可能配置为销售部门有10个分机号码。

9.Control the level of IP-10 would be effective on the abatement of pulmonary inflammatory response caused by RSV.如能控制IP-10水平,则有可能减轻RSV感染所致肺部炎性病变。

10.From Monday, October 12th, coffee and sandwiches will COST 2p extra, and all other items on the cafeteria menu Ip extra.从10月12日星期一起,咖啡和三明治的单价增加2便士,餐厅菜单上的其他项目各增加1便士。