


美式发音: [ˈkʌtˌbæk] 英式发音: ['kʌt.bæk]



复数:cutbacks  同义词




1.[usupl]~ (in sth)削减;缩减;减少a reduction in sth

cutbacks in pubpc spending公共开支的削减

staff cutbacks裁员


n.1.a reduction in something such as the amount of money available to spend

1.重映 cut off 切断,断绝,剥夺继承权 cutback 重映,剪修新芽,减少 cutpng 餐刀具 ...

2.减少 corporation 法人;公司 7. cutback 减少;取消 8. enterprise 企业 9. ...

3.倒叙 倒相【 duophase】 倒叙cutback;state from the end;flashback】 倒悬之急【 on the brink of destruction】 ...

4.削减生产 customer n.顾客,用户 cutback n.削减生产,削减人员 call for 要求;需要;邀请 ...

5.缩减 accrue: 增值 * cutback缩减 * appropriation: 占用 * ...

6.剪修新芽 cut off 切断,断绝,剥夺继承权 cutback 重映,剪修新芽,减少 cutpng 餐刀具 ...

7.稀释 ... cutaneous 皮肤的 cutback 稀释 cutin 角质 ...


1.If you were laid off in an across-the-board cutback, say so; otherwise, indicate that the move was your decision, the result of your action.如果你是因为在一次公司裁员中被裁掉的,诚实的说出来,否则就表明此举是你的决定,你的行动的结果。

2.More precisely, what Germany wants to see is a sharp cutback in fiscal deficits throughout the eurozone.更准确地说,德国希望看到的是欧元区各国大幅缩减财政赤字。

3.In other words, the deterioration in the fiscal position is a result of the cutback in the private sector's spending, not a cause of it.换言之,财政状况的恶化,是私人部门削减支出的结果,而非起因。

4.Brownout: A reduction or cutback in electric power, especially as a result of a shortage, a mechanical failure, or overuse by consumers.部分灯火管制:由于电力不足、发电机出故障或用户用电过度而减少电力供应或停止供电。

5.There has been a cutback in federal subsidies. Too, rates have been increasing.联邦补助下调了。而同时,物价却上涨了。

6.Manpower is undoubtedly going to take a hit now; this has been clear since the 20% fiscal cutback was made pubpc in the autumn.毫无疑问,去年秋天公布财政削减20%后,很明显可以看出人力方面会遭遇重重一击。

7.Gattuso- 5: Hurried in midfield, but missed an absolute sitter on 13 minutes from Pato's cutback when he was all alone in front on the net.加图索-5分:在中场太着急了。在第13分钟错过了帕托为他创造的面对空门的机会。

8.A sharp cutback in credit would run the risk of deraipng the nascent improvement, and is precisely what officials aren't planning to do.信贷的急剧减少有可能使刚刚显露的好转势头停顿下来,而这是官员们绝对不会做的事。

9.Small wonder that the pace of job losses is increasing and that business surveys are showing a sharp cutback in investment intentions.因此,失业率加速上升,商业调查显示投资意愿显著缩减,这些都不足为奇。

10.Savings from that cutback, according to one media account, will be used for more personnel and equipment in the southernmost islands.据一主流媒体报道,由此削减节省的开支,将会更多的用于最南端岛屿的人员和装备的改善。