




1.约翰福音(John) 42 路 路加福音 Lu 43 约 约翰福音 Joh 44 徒 使徒行传 Ac ...

2.约伯 塞西尔( cecile) 约翰·路易斯_ Joh 亚马逊法国_ amazo ...

4.约翰·克劳·兰色姆 ... 布斯( Booth.W.) 约翰·克劳·兰色姆( Joh 布鲁克斯( Brooks ...

5.强生婴儿(Johnson's) ... 迪士尼( Disne 强生婴儿( Joh 摩托罗拉( Mot ...


1.I'll never forget your words to me in the beginning "Joh, we will walk side by side and follow the Lord together. "我从未忘记你最初许下的诺言“Joh,我们要携手同行,跟随主。”

2.One day, Wam was surprised and depghted to see another diminutive Yuzzum, Joh Yowza, arrive at the palace.有一天,万惊喜地看见又有一名矮小的亚扎姆人——乔·尤扎——来到了贾巴的宫殿。

3.Investigators are also hoping to find out whether Sung-wee Joh had an email communication with Emily Hilscher, one of the first two victims.调查人员同样希望查明赵承辉是否与前两个受害人之一的埃米丽-赫什尔有邮件往来。

4.1948-former Japanese premier Hideki Tojo (hee-day-kee toh-joh) and six other Japanese war leaders were executed in Tokyo.1948年的今天,日本前首相东条英机等6名日本头号战犯在东京被处决。

5.After Dave went to work on Hula I became a full time contributor on it with Jon, and when Jon left last January it was myself alone.Dave后来去了Hula,我就变成了全职,和Joh一起工作,在Joh去年一月份离开后,就是我自己了。

6.Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen resigns as Premier of Queensland after 19 Years.年,乔·波杰克-彼德森在就任澳大利亚昆士兰州总理19年后辞职。

7.Joh, tell us about the asparagus dish.约翰,介绍芦笋那道菜。

8.Jack Joh on has gone to London.杰克。约翰逊到伦敦去了。