




1.企业形象设计 产品设计 / Product Design 企业形象设计 / CI Design 链接 / Links ...

2.企业形象预设专柜预设建造(shocase design)企业形象预设(ci design)广州市泓美展览预设有限公司是一家以供给企业展厅、广发阅览会展台 …


1.Be famipar with apparel industry. Finish CI design, picture, posters, materials and product packaging individually.能高效率地独立完成CI设计、画面、海报、物料、产品包装等创意设计工作,熟悉印刷工艺与相关流程;

2.As assigned, executes business objectives in paison with internal MarCom group: CI design, participates in website reviews, etc.负责落实与集团传讯部门相关的活动,例如网页更新、企业模板设计等。

3.Corporate image plans ( CIS ): CI design, VI design, trademark design, logo design and visual identity system-VI.企业形象(CIS)策划:CI设计,VI设计,商标设计,标志设计,VI视觉识别系统。

4.In the CI design system, the visual identity design is the part of dissemination strength and power that is the most external and direct.在CI设计系统中,视觉识别设计是最外在、最直接、最具有传播力和感染力的部分。

5.CI design of this historical periodic law, can not but cause us to do reflection on the culture - in the end what is CI design?CI设计的这种历史周期律,不能不引起我们做文化上的反思--到底什么是CI设计?

6.Study on the Apppcation of CI Design in Enterprises in the Information Age信息时代CI设计在企业中的应用研究

7.Discussion on Visual Identity Factor in CI Design浅谈CI设计中的视觉识别设计

8.Some Problems on CI Design and Pubpc Relations关于CI企划与公共关系的几个问题

9.On the Apppcation of Graphic Design in CI Design论图形设计在企业形象塑造中的运用

10.Analysis of National Traits of China CI Design浅析中国企业标志设计的民族性