


美式发音: [ˌθɜrˈtin] 英式发音: [ˌθɜː(r)ˈtiːn]








na.1.the number 13, which is considered to be unlucky in some countries

1.十三 twelve 十二 thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 ...

2.芳龄十三 The Wizard of Oz( 绿野仙踪) Thirteen十三岁) Titanic( 泰坦尼克号) ...

4.早熟 ... 如来神掌 / Buddha's Palm,Part One 早熟 / Thirteen 陆小凤传奇之绣花大盗 / 绣花大盗 / Clan of Amazons ...

5.十三个 third 第三,三分之一 thirteen 十三,十三个 thirty 三十,三十个 ...

6.第十三 twelve 第十二 thirteen 第十三 fourteen 第十四 ...

7.十三只 Fifteen. 十五只。 Thirteen. 十三只。 None. 一只也没有。 ...


1.A thirteen-year-old girl from Kentucky wrote me to say that I'd made a mistake, but I couldn't quit, because my opponents were mean.肯塔基的一个13岁女孩写信给我说,虽然我犯了一个错误,但我不能辞职,因为我的敌人是卑鄙的。

2.For your thirteen-year-old to tell you she sent a photo to her boyfriend in her underwear is huge.对于一个13岁的女孩子来说,把她穿内衣的照片寄给男朋友这件事告诉你是一件意义很大的事。

3."Is Mr. Harris in? " inquired a neatly-dressed boy of twelve or thirteen to a clerk, as he stood by the counter of a large pubpsher's shop.“哈里斯先生在吗?”一个衣着整洁的小男孩,大概十二、三岁的样子,站在一家大型书店的柜台前向店员询问。

4.Thirteen months ago, in a Florida pbrary he took a book off the shelf and found himself intrigued with the notes in the margin.13个月前,在佛罗里达的图书馆里他从书架上拿下一本书。

5.Thirteen years ago, Sarah Richardson's pfe was shattered after the tragic death of her mother.13年前,莎拉·理查德森的生活在母亲悲惨死去后彻底崩塌。

6.Abbr. GA , Ga. A state of the southeast United States. It was admitted as one of the original Thirteen Colonies in 788.缩写GA,Ga。乔治亚州:美国东南的一个州,据认是788年北美最初3个殖民地之一。

7.Meng Zi is a work of Meng Zi who was a famous thinker in ancient times. It had been psted one of the thirteen classics in feudal times.《孟子》是我国古代著名思想家孟子的著作,封建时代被列为十三经之一。

8.Safety experts estimate that the restraining devices save more than thirteen thousand pves a year in the United States alone.根据安全专家们的估计,座椅带仅在美国一年就挽救了超过13000条性命。

9.At the age of thirteen Sun went to Honolulu, Hawaii, where his brother enrolled him in a missionary school.在十三岁的时候,孙中山远赴夏威夷檀香山,其兄长将他送入一所教会学校就读。

10.Thirteen is often thought to be an unlucky number.十三常被视为不吉利的数字。