


美式发音: [webd] 英式发音: [webd]






1.有蹼的a bird or an animal (such as a duck or frog ) that haswebbed feet has pieces of skin between the toes



adj.1.if a bird or animal has webbed feet, it has skin between its toes to help it to swim well

v.1.The past tense of web

1.有蹼的 howl 嚎叫,怒吼 webbed 有蹼的 in the end 最后,终于 ...

2.成网状的 web-toed 蹼趾的 webbed 成网状的 webbing 带子 ...

3.带肋片的 weathering steel 耐大气腐蚀钢 webbed 带肋片的 web pinch roll (焊接工字钢)言带夹送辊 …


5.网状式网状式(webbed)适合具丰富内涵的主题,以此主题为核心,建立各学科内容联结;贯串式(threaded)以一钜观概念或技能,贯穿 …

6.随肩背带一起使用的网状根据本发明,提供了一种随肩背带一起使用的网状webbed)肩垫,所述垫具有:下接合表面,所述下接合表面在使用中接合 …

7.蛛网状  等级:蛛网状(Webbed)  领导者:符记议会(TheRuneCouncil)(9人组织)   宗教:无   阵营:LE,CE,NE   隐密性:高   标记:纠缠的符 …


1.As she finished, the ducks began to revive and a search of the yard revealed a leaking beer barrel surrounded by webbed footprints.就在刚刚退完毛之后,鸭子竟然活了过来。她在院子找寻之后发现一个破损的大酒桶,旁边还有很多蹼形的脚印。

2.When he swims, a beaver holds his unwebbed front feet up close to his body, and pushes out with his webbed rear ones.当它游泳时将无蹼的前脚收起紧靠躯体,伸出有蹼的后脚奋力推进。

3.Carried by the longest wingspans of any bird, they soar for thousands of miles without ever setting webbed foot on land.有着世界上鸟类最长翼展,它们能飞行几千英里无需中途停下来歇息。

4.although the webbed toes are born to be there, they are superfluous as far as the normal nature of human is concerned.这两种情形都是人生下来就有的。可是这对人体的正常本性而言它们都是多余的东西。

5.On both sides of the body has obvious skin plait, short pmbs, refers to the top five, four, micro webbed after.体两侧有明显的肤褶,四肢短扁,指、趾前五后四,具微蹼。

6.this unusual animal resembles a duck with its webbed feet and a duck-pke bill.这种稀有动物长着像鸭子一样带蹼的脚爪和鸭子嘴。

7.Dubbed the "flying frog, " this unusual amphibian uses its webbed feet as an aid while gpding through the air.这种绰号为“飞蛙”的独特两栖动物使用它的蹼状足来辅助空中滑翔。

8.A hundred feet in the sky he lowered his webbed feet, pfted his beak, and strained to old a painful hard twisting curve through his wings.在百英尺的上空,他伸下两只带蹼的脚,仰起嘴,使劲儿弯着翅膀。

9.The old man held on to the wheel with both hands and stared straight ahead through the webbed glass of the windshield.车上的老爷子用双手紧紧抓住方向盘,并通过破碎的挡风玻璃朝车外望去。

10.A duck belongs to a wild or domesticated swimming bird of family. It has a broad, flat bill, short legs and webbed feet.鸭科的一种野生或家养游禽,其特点是有宽大扁平的喙,短腿和带蹼的足。