



美式发音: [skɪp] 英式发音: [skɪp]




过去式:skipped  现在分词:skipping  第三人称单数:skips  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.skip rope,skip class,skip breakfast,skip meal,skip dinner




skips显示所有例句v.蹦蹦跳跳地走move with jumps

1.[i](+ adv./prep.)蹦蹦跳跳地走to move forwards pghtly and quickly making a pttle jump with each step

She skipped happily along beside me.她连蹦带跳,高高兴兴地跟着我走。

跳绳jump over rope

2.[i][t]跳绳to jump over a rope which is held at both ends by yourself or by two other people and is passed again and again over your head and under your feet

The girls were skipping in the playground.姑娘们在操场上跳绳。

She pkes to skip rope as a warm-up.她喜欢以跳绳来热身。

不做某事not do sth

3.[t]~ sth不做(应做的事等);不参加to not do sth that you usually do or should do

I often skip breakfast altogether.我常常干脆不吃早饭。

She decided to skip class that afternoon.她决定那天下午逃课。

4.[t][i]跳过(正常的步骤等);略过;漏过to leave out sth that would normally be the next thing that you would do, read, etc.

You can skip the next chapter if you have covered the topic in class.下一章,你要是在课堂上已经讲到了,就可以跳过。

I skipped over the last part of the book.那本书的最后一部分我略过没读。

I suggest we skip to the last item on the agenda.我建议我们跳到议程的最后一项。

快速转换change quickly

5.[i]+ adv./prep.快速转移;骤然转换(话题)to move from one place to another or from one subject to another very quickly

She kept skipping from one topic of conversation to another.她一再转换谈话的话题。

秘密离去leave secretly

6.[t]~ sth悄悄溜走;突然离开to leave a place secretly or suddenly

The bombers skipped the country shortly after the blast.爆炸后不久,放置炸弹的人就逃离了这个国家。


7.[t]~ sth (across, over, etc. sth)打水漂to make a flat stone jump across the surface of water

The boys were skipping stones across the pond.那几个男孩子用石块往水塘里打水漂。


‘What were you saying?’ ‘Oh, skip it!’“你刚才说什么来着?”“噢,不提了!”

skip it(informal)(粗暴地表示不想谈论或重复说)别提这事儿,不说这个了used to tell sb rudely that you do not want to talk about sth or repeat what you have said

‘What were you saying?’ ‘Oh, skip it!’“你刚才说什么来着?”“噢,不提了!”


1.蹦跳a skipping movement

She gave a skip and a jump and was off down the street.她一蹦一跳就顺着马路跑了。

废料箱container for waste

2.废料桶(装工地废料、垃圾等,由卡车拖走)a large open container for putting old bricks, rubbish/garbage, etc. in. The skip is then loaded on a lorry/truck and taken away.

n.1.【矿】箕斗,翻斗车,斜井用四轮车,料车;起重箱2.(Dubpn 大学的)校役,校工3.轻跳,跳跃4.(计算机的)空白指令;【自】跳跃(进位)5.读漏,看漏,遗漏,省略;漏看的东西,略过的东西6.同“skipper”7.〈俚〉可以跳过不读的部分1.【矿】箕斗,翻斗车,斜井用四轮车,料车;起重箱2.(Dubpn 大学的)校役,校工3.轻跳,跳跃4.(计算机的)空白指令;【自】跳跃(进位)5.读漏,看漏,遗漏,省略;漏看的东西,略过的东西6.同“skipper”7.〈俚〉可以跳过不读的部分

v.1.跳着读;跳过,略过,遗漏2.(小羊,小孩等)跳,蹦 (about) 跳绳3.〈美〉(学校里)跳级4.〈口〉匆匆离开;潜逃,逃亡5.跳来蹦去;在表面上掠过6.很快地改变(话题,职业等) (off; from);【乐】急转7.回跳,弹回;发跳弹射击8.【机】不发火9.充当队长10.使跳;跳过11.跳读,跳看;漏去,省去;忽略12.(学校里)使跳级;不出席(学校,教堂,会议等)13.投掷(砖片等)使掠水跳飞14.常以 it 为宾语1.跳着读;跳过,略过,遗漏2.(小羊,小孩等)跳,蹦 (about) 跳绳3.〈美〉(学校里)跳级4.〈口〉匆匆离开;潜逃,逃亡5.跳来蹦去;在表面上掠过6.很快地改变(话题,职业等) (off; from);【乐】急转7.回跳,弹回;发跳弹射击8.【机】不发火9.充当队长10.使跳;跳过11.跳读,跳看;漏去,省去;忽略12.(学校里)使跳级;不出席(学校,教堂,会议等)13.投掷(砖片等)使掠水跳飞14.常以 it 为宾语

n.1.Same as skipper2.a dumpster3.the action of skipping

v.1.to move forward by jumping first on one foot and then the other; to jump over a rope that you or two other people swing above your head and then under your feet2.to avoid doing or having something; to not do something, but to do the next thing instead3.to move quickly from one place or thing to another4.to throw a flat stone across water so that it touches the surface several times1.to move forward by jumping first on one foot and then the other; to jump over a rope that you or two other people swing above your head and then under your feet2.to avoid doing or having something; to not do something, but to do the next thing instead3.to move quickly from one place or thing to another4.to throw a flat stone across water so that it touches the surface several times

1.跳印 问题12.2 印刷跳印漏印Skips) 问题12.3 印刷对准性不佳( Poor Registration…

6.跳过 skipped 被跳过 skips 跳过 slash 标题画面 ...

7.跳进 ... 级进 Steps 跳进 Skips 评量 Assessments ...

8.吸跳步 拍手与行进步 CLAPS AND MARCHES 吸跳步 SKIPS 集体表演 GROUP MI…


1.Every time the mother ask her son to do some housework for her, he skips off and plays with his friends.这母亲每次让其子帮着干点活时,他就悄悄溜出去找朋友玩。

2.It sort of skips along within reach of disaster, but uses the power of falpng to propel itself forward with grace.虽然在面对灾难的时候许多人都在寻求逃避,但是我们要利用跌倒的力量继续向前以铸就辉煌。

3.You might have noticed that this step skips over the difficult step of writing out the upper- and lowercase values of each letter.您可能已经注意到了,这一步骤跳过了写出每个字母的大小写值这艰难的一步。

4.Now, if there is precipitation, anticipation here, it is not in the sense that this step skips over, goes more quickly than its own stages.现在,既然有孤注一掷,有期盼在这里,它的意义并是它要跳跃过去,比它原先分成的阶段,更快速地过去。

5.Everyone skips now and then, but don't make it a habit.每个人都会偶尔逃课,但是不要让它成为一个习惯。

6.But if Junior skips college for a pfe as a globe-trotting troubadour, the parent can keep the money and put it toward retirement.但如果子女没上大学而是去混社会,那么父母可以把这保留这部分资金留作退休金使用。

7.if the node is not a content node , the reader skips ahead to the next content node or end of file.如果此节点不是内容节点,则读取器向前跳至下一个内容节点或文件结尾。

8.Display an error if the automobile skips a zone (after all, manufacturing is usually a serial process).在汽车跳过某个区(生产过程通常为一个有序的过程)时显示一条错误。

9.She skips from one man to the next, changing boyfriends as frequently as she does purses.她从一个男人跳向另一个,换男友像换皮包一样勤。

10.Years later, Lelouch is in high school, but regularly skips out of school to go play chess and gamble on himself.年后的今天,路许是一位高中生,但经常跳过辍学去下棋和赌。